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The study of the development of cultures and human societies
Anthropology delves into the development of human societies and cultures, with significant contributions from figures like Charles Darwin and the Leakey family, who supported the African origin of humans.
The study of the development of cultures and human societies Paleoanthropology
Study of bones and stone remains of our ancestors millions of years ago
A famous hominin fossil discovered by Donald Johanson. Provided more insights into human evolution and bipedalism. Oldowan Tool Kit
The oldest-known stone tools Neanderthal
A relative/species to modern day humans Physical Anthropology Definition: The study of where humans came from and how our bodies evolved Primatology - Study of primates Human variation - Study of similarities and differences between existing populations
The study of physical remains from a past culture Cultural Anthropology Definition: The study of what people do, make, and believe as well as their culture and development Fields Ethnology - Studies characteristics of different people and their relationships Linguistic - The study of languages and their origins Evolution
When organisms develop and change over time Intelligent design
That life and the natural world are so complex that it had to have been created by a greater being.
The Leakey Family
They found further proof that humans have origin in Africa Theory on Natural Selection
Environment-adapted organisms have a higher chance of surviving and producing more offspring. Survival of the fittest. Charles Darwin
He proposed that species were forced to develop or become extinct and that humans first evolved in Africa. Bipedalism
The ability to walk on two legs Belief System Meaning-Making
the process by which people interpret situations, events, objects, or discourses
Having trust or confidence in someone or something. Could be a higher power, or an idea.