a Arturo Guzman 9 éve
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The use of punctuation marks, particularly semi-colons and colons, can often be confusing. Semi-colons are typically used to link closely related independent clauses, as seen in the example, "
When to use a Semi-Colon Semi-Colon usage instructional video. I went to the doctor; he told me that I have the flu. When to use a colon Please arrive with the following: a computer, a pencil, and a willingness to work. A colon looks like : Use a colon afters words such as: The following, such as, as follows, and as the following manner. A colon is similar to a semi colon, but it does not have a comma on the bottom. Main topic Use a colon before a list of items. Use a colon after a complete though to introduce something that follows. Subtopic Don't confuse : and ; Use a colon to bring attention to something that follows.