a Lillian Waddoups 4 éve
Még több ilyen
Learning: what you do to one side of the equation needs to be done to the other side!
Have them complete a worksheet of algebra problems. Then when you correct them you can see what the students struggle with and pinpoint the misconceptions and problems they might have had with the assignment once you grade them.
Give them a problem on the board and ask them to work on it on their own and come up with an answer. Then walk around and see where the students are at and what they already know.
They might undergeneralize and believe that you only need to do parts of the equation for both sides. They might think that only addition and subtraction need to be done on both sides and that multiplication and division are done on only one side and not balanced.
Students might overgeneralize and believe that all equations need to have something done to both sides so that the equation is correct.
Defining Features:
Correlational features
Students might have a hard time figuring out which problems this applies to. They will need to know what algebraic equations look like and how they can be applied.
Students will probably have a hard time keeping track of positives and negatives when it comes to the answer. Sometimes the sign switches in the last step and it is easy to miss.
Students might have a hard time and have some misconceptions when it comes to equations that have multiple of one steo in the PEMDAS program. They wont know which part to do first.
positives and negatives
Make sure positives and negatives are kept so that they are the same and change the same on both sides.
Link to Image of Example and help: https://images.app.goo.gl/2gRR2X26i8YXBp8o6
P:Parenthasis E:Exponents M:Multiplication D:Division A:Addition S:Subtraction
Link to Image or example: https://images.app.goo.gl/PkqT3YDcKVP6BUMaA
This rule always applies in algebra
Students that are boys tend to answer many questions and volunteer to help you more than girls will.
Girl students tend to follow along and do the work but they do not always like to answer questions as much as your boy students do.
Call on your girl students without them raising their hand. Most likely they know the answer and are just more timid about answering it
Peer work
Need to work with peers and opposite gender. This will provide them to work together with their personal strengths and weaknesses.
15-20 minutes of instruction without break
guided activities is more beneficial for boys
make sure you hold your authority and are authoritative with your boy students
need a teacher that is approachable. They need to feel safe
Students need teachers to build off of knowledge that they already have to help build and grow their schemas and help them have a clearer understanding
students learn and apply their knowledge and either assimilate or accomodate their schemas so that they know more correct information
People are at different learning levels and need more help and scaffolding when they are younger and when they grow they start to learn and use the skills that teachers teach them to learn things on their own and in groups
procrastinate more than girls
seek to get out of homework but do not give in. Make sure that they do the work just like the girls in your class.
Need encouragement
Strongly impacted by feedback and are willing to make the changes necessary
Learn more visually and from experience
Need louder volume to hear