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cyclical life-line/evolution of any organization; where are we in maturation?
Succession planning/leadership to match evolutionary phase/needs?
what is best - a larger monolithic body or a more dispersed, fragmented and multi-stakeholder constellation under the BPBA umbrella?
Return the the After Supper Gentlemans Discussion Group on the Environment
Are we sustainably funding RE: Personnel
Can we Fund the Organization as it Currently Exists
Have we Met the Currrently Identified Needs?
Growth Needs to Be Cautious?
What Needs are not Being Met?
Managing Changing Composition of Use of the Peninsula
Needs for Volunteer profile
Stu didn't know we existed
Expand the Functions
Public Education
AN Elderhostel Group
Example: Where do we fit in for the quarry?
Example: Advocate for policy change
Landscape Level Monitoring
Shoreline Hardening
Example: Karst Monitoring
The owners (eg NCC) often do this
Physical Things Change Attitudes
Tough to get researchers
Tough to attract funding
Understanding What we are affecting
Expand the Foci
Exampe: Provincially Significant Alvar Policy
Conservation Concerns
Connections/Ecosystem Functioning
Stuff that's Polluting
Two Stage Channels
Southern Bruce
Sean is Still Bitter
Northern Bruce
Lay of the Land is Different
Big Enough
If we grow, how do we prevent doing a bad job of everything
Absentee Farmers
Cottages to Rentals- No seasonal Residents
Opportunity to bring in businesses inputs to BPBA?
Donors withholding 10% or not flowing funding before summertime when the bulk of work must be done.
Donor agencies may not fund the legitimate administrative costs of projects undertaken
Can BPEG and BPBA amalgamate to increase involvement/interest of more residents on peninsula?
-images/perceptions of two groups by public
Threat or opportunity?
Time Committment
Make Something Regular
Hedgerow Walks
OR do we gear it towards action
Forest Festival
This is like what BPEG does?
Consuting for things like green rooves
Traditional Skills and Products
Food systems
Social Enterrises
Does BPBA support (and seek funding support), fight against or remain neutral regarding wind farms on peninsula of 175 turbines?
Cooperation and Consultation
mutual public exposure
Parks Bioblitz extremely well planned and great content but very poor response/attendance: need to better get the word out
eg: Bruce Trail Otter Lake Acquisition
Hi Elizabeth,This was a great event, so well planned and organized and attended, and the weather was perfect. I introduced myself, brought greetings from the Biosphere Association; took a 1 1/2 hour walk with their Biologist on staff and ten other folks; talked my head off to anyone who listened about the Biosphere because most did not know about the Six Streams or Phragmites or Dark Skies. The acquisition is huge with 19 acres reserved by the current owners to live on. A glorious fen, bog, lake some wooded areas and some token alvar, rich with plants and wildlife. Gorgeous! I will bring the handout page to our next meeting for you. FYI Jan tells me the Parks are planning a BioBlitz in early August and she is going to the meeting to drum up interest tomorrow at 9:00am at the Parks.
Conservation Action Plan for Bruce Peninsula
SOK is currently involved in a SWOT
Do we become consultants?
who else is better resourced or has the mandate to do this? are we to charge for such services as a revenue generating stream? if so, who will do the work? can we attract allied antrepreneurs and generate work for better communitysustainability?
Can we create a business that is a consultant centre for all the individual consultants on Peninsula?
Money maker?
Woodlot management?
Phragmites control?
Cattle Waterers?
Opportunities for Engagement
Information Sharing with Interested Groups
do workshops? ‘train’ Sue’s group to spread information/interest? Local gardens include one we toured on a septic-top, perhaps a chance to generate greater awareness of septics/water care?)
Jarmo’s list:
Universities or Colleges
Research Opportunities Centre
Researcher Awareness/Recruitment
Research Site Identification and Landowner co-ordination
Identification of Rsearch Opportunities/Needs
Dark Skies Research Institute: multidisciplinary astronomy, mental & physical health, nature, photography/art(s)- the Bruce as a living laboratory
Re: Dark Skies impact/research avenues, see Aug 8, 2016 CBC Radio One, 9:00am "The Current", R. Dick of Royla Astronomical Society of Canada and Roberta Bondar.
See also "The Messenger" doc. film about songbirds includes light disrupting migratory routes & thus attendant value of Dark Skies and BPBO.
Western’s many noted astronomers & have a now light-engulfed lovely old observatory; boundary layer wind tunnel; medical research. (UWO as potential partners?)
First Nations?
other cultures/nations interested in experiencing and learning about our Biosphere corner of the world and all it encompasses, including sharing with First Nations: all attracting international attention, cultural tourism, potential research and shared projects.
Canada's 150th: Colaboration/Cooperation
Stuart Reid the new director of the Community Foundation of Grey Bruce yesterday met with me and Beth Breen of the Tobermory Truth & Reconciliation group and then attended our meeting.
His outline of modest matching special grass-roots community grants for Canada's 150th (this is not the Canada 150 big pot from the Feds, but an additional/separate allocation to Coummunity Foundations to encourage local projects) gave me a thought: might this be an opportunity to do something special/commemorative such as 'anniversary alvars' that might attract new interest/donors?
Max is $15K, no minimum, matched with $, volunteer time and any donated goods/services, apply on line by September 30 deadline, get funds in late October, must use the $ in 2017 & do a report by Jan. 31, 2018: "150 Alliance and Federal Comunity Fund".
I thought of the alvars because of your mentioning this in an email, and I know Jan Pugsley is very interested in them, ( as is Jarmo and perhaps many others?). When I and Jan hiked the Bruce Trail Conservancy new Otter Lake property on Sunday, some folks were talking excitedly about alvars, even though there was just a very small representative area on the trail of this primarily wetland.
Should I do more thinking/talking about this with you and perhaps Jan? Test the waters? Maybe even do the application if it comes to that? As usual, getting ahead of myself.
Raffle Tickets: More than a Fundraiser?
Some success with sales when I emailed my ‘network’ of friends & family & those I do business with, but included information about BPBA’s specific activities and noted prize that was targeted as most attractive to specific individuals. Circle Arts declined to sell them due to huge workload demands in season, so alternate ‘marketing’ good unless prizes offered can be displayed at donors’ retail outlets where they get the benefit of exposure too and are motivated. Attached information/reason/use of funds helps! Maybe identify a broadly appealing & specific project destination of funds raised to facilitate sales?
FYI Jeremy, I have invited all my friends to LIKE your Facebook page and added a comment about the Raffle, but the last posting is dated November 27, 2015 so might you do a quick, perhaps a single new item update, for when my folks visit your page?
Informal volunteer opprtunities
some people want to help, but not on a structured/demand basis, more an informal insertion in daily interests/events as may occur or be reminded of: Arlene to ‘activate’ a number, including Jan Pugsley (on PAC) and Glenda Clarke (Steward of Lindsay Alvar for Ontario Nature)
Be visible at related events
Megan Myle's Lion's Head hostel is attracting youth and potential residents - clients attracted by BPEG too she says
Are we at the point of advocacy?
Alvars? and Karst?
Do we expand our geographic area
Would this stretch us too far?
when/time line, if possible or desireable?
What value would we be adding?
Are we able to do this?
limited resources: where is the focus?
Involve local Chamber of Commerce in looking for opportunities to improve 'sustainability'?
How about Bruce Peninsula stand on its own (not subsumed into Niagara Escarpment Biosphere)?
Knowledge isn't Distributed Well
Its concentrated in Elizabeth's Head
The continuity Issue Affects Grants
Succession Planning
What would we do if people leave?
Forest Connectivity Strategy as a Proof of Concept
Overstamping? Does a Strategy complicate things?
No Natural Hertiage system
Consistent Funding
Bookeeper vs accountant
Limited funders supporting current staff vs hiring techs on contract
Temporary contract employees, fluctuation in availability; continuity; resources to hiring and orientation
BA consists of relatively few members/people involved; too few people to do too much work. Need to increase 'membership'
Without a greater membership 'base' to spread work around evenly, will existing or future projects' accomplishment be delayed or not started fore lack of human resources?
Need a regular meeting where more people than just those performing tasks for the BA attend. Topics/speakers of interest.
Need a "membership" base from which Board Members can be recruited
Biosphere Reserve Concept isn't understood
People wonder if Sean is a Municipal Employee
How do we engage volunteers: Stu
DO people know we're here
Lack of specific location/office/information centre
Non-Environmental Group Approach
Board Comosition
Involved Board
Monthly Meetings
Policies and Procedures
Citizen Science
Culverts Mapping
Dark Sky
Salamader Monitoring
Significant Stuff Here; Hydrology Report for Judges Creek area
Ontario Streams
Water Quality Measurements
Forest connectivity Strategy
Subwatershed Plans
Envoronmental Network
Conservation and Stewardship Plans
Network of Funders
Regularly Audited
Multiyear Funding is in Place
Resources Exist
Environental Network
Local Businesses
Mike Pedlar
AJ Arps
Jackie, Jake
Ted and Greg
Academic Partnerships
Kieth Ried
Biosphere Reserve Network
Bird Observatory
Property Owners Association
Information sessions
Forest through Forest Festival
Septic System Management
Shoreline Stewardship
Biodiversity Features
National Park
Skilled Board of directors
Committed Volunteers
Skilled Professional Staff
Good Marketing Collateral
Facebook for bayside
Social marketing
Regional Phragmites Management Plan
Bruce Press Articles
Pasture Meetings
Website/Producers Club
Conservation and Stewardship Plan
Forest Connectivity
Septic Resources
Shoeline Stewardship
BPBA is doing 'good science' (supporting data) in accomplishment of our goals. Very practical goals.
BPBA has earned a very positive, progressive image in NBP and beyond.
Dark Sky program receiving very positive recognition.
Tourist draw; can it be expanded to other BPBA areas too?
Resources we protect/improve that can be tourism focus?
QR videos very well done and can be used to improve appreciation of BPBA's improvements.
Bruce Power?
Are they looking for something with a permanent stamp?
Or are we able to acheive grants to move the agenda forward?
Are we driven by grants?
Karst: springs, sinks, groundwater, surface waters
Species Inventories
Ongoing support needed for continuing PM and other yearly costs/improvements
Promotion of dar sky friendly lighting - businesses and residiential
Can we sell them?
Are we done?
Septic Systems becomes Municipal responsibility
Farmers take over fencing and watering systems; new systems for farmers they purchase from Association
Farming BMPs implementation especially low till
Shoreline Improvements: natural shoreline vegetation, dehardening, abandenned dock removal/seasonal docks
Is this/should this be a separate area?
Septic System: inspection/pump outs, subsidies
Broaden to shoreline cottage areas
Is this a separate area?
Stream Restoration: still needed in areas where no riparian buffer, in areas where buffer could be improved; prominence of drains/straight channel segments, need for natural stream course
Is this a separate area, perhaps fitted with Forest Cconnectivity?
Cattle Exclusion: fencing, waterers for streams still needed
sustainability of Waterers
Can we find ongoing support for 2-3 years that would allow time for farmers to accept responsibility and maintenence (perhaps with new installs of waterers) results in creation of a separate new business
Can we sell Them
Strong praises for cnnectivity efforts
This has been a successful program to ate