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Business Curriculum
The curriculum at Rutgers Business School in New Brunswick offers a diverse range of courses tailored to different business majors such as Leadership & Management, Finance, Supply Chain Management, and Marketing.
Rutgers Business School- Undergraduate Curriculum (New Brunswick) Major: Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management Elective (3) 33:630:369-New Product Planning 33:799:380-Introduction to Project Management (3) 33:799:300-Global Procurement and Sourcing Strategies (3) 33:799:310-Demand Planning and Fulfillment (3) 33:799:330-Business Logistics and Transportation (3) 33:630:385-Marketing Research Major: Marketing Marketing Elective (3) 33:630:452-Marketing Strategy and Decision Making (3) 33:630:374-Consumer Behavior (3) 33:630:385-Marketing Research (3) Major: Leadership & Management Management Elective (3) 33:620:369 International Business (3) Major: Finance Finance Elective (3) 33:390:400-Corporate Finance (3) 33:390:420-Futures and Options (3) 33:390:380-Investment Analysis (3) 33:390:310-Financial Management for Finance Majors (3) Major: Business Analytics & Information Technology BAIT Elective (3) 33:136:400-Business Decision Analytics under Uncertainty (3) 33:136:470-Business Data Management (3) 33:136:485-Time Series Modeling for Business (3) 33:136:388-Foundations of Business Programming (3) Major: Accounting Business Elective (3) - excluding Management Information Systems Subtopic 33:010:401-Advanced Accounting (3) 33:010:421-Income Tax Accounting (3) 33:010:415-Concepts of Auditing (3) 33:010:451-Cost Accounting (3) 33:010:326-Intermediate Accounting II (3) 33:010:458-Accounting Information Systems (3) 33:010:325-Intermediate Accounting I (3) Business Core 33:799:301-Intro. to Supply Chain Management (3) 33:010:275-Intro. to Managerial Accounting (3) 33:011:300-Business Forum (2) 33:136:370-Management Information Systems (3) Excluding Accounting Majors 33:620:302-Management Skills (3) 33:620:492-Business Policy and Strategy (3) 33:620:301-Intro to Management (3) 33:630:301-Intro. to Marketing (3) 33:390:300-Financial Management (3) 33:140:320-Business Law I (3) 33:136:386-Operations Management (3) 33:136:385-Statistical Methods in Business (3)