Kategóriák: Minden - process - sales - order - customer

a George Chernenko 7 éve


Business Process for New Sales Orders

A new sales order begins with the sales team gathering all necessary details, including customer contact information. This information is entered into Ubersmith, highlighting the expected time of completion.

Business Process for New Sales Orders

Business Process for New Sales Orders

Sales Team Creates New Sales Order and gathers all the relevant details

New Sales Order is entered in Ubersmith and Estimated/Expected Time of Completion (ETC) is highlighted
New Sales Order is picked up by the PMO Team

Depending on the type of sales order created it will be processed by one of three individuals.

Alex - Cloud & Managed Services

Lisa - New Circuit Orders

Elena - Colo Services

Review requirements with CTR and confirm deliverables

Review with Provisioning Team and align/reserve resources

Order equipment/services as needed to complete Sales Order

PMO creates Work Order and assigns to the appropriate provisioning team for execution

Virtual Layer






Physical Layer




Provisioning Team member(s) review Work Order and confirm the ETC will be achieved

Provisioning Team works closely w/PMO to ensure timely delivery of 3rd party service/product (if needed)

Schedule on-site visit (using PMO) to complete Work Order (if needed)

Provisioning Team notifies PMO when Work Order is complete, or substantially complete

PMO notifies the customer that their Sales Order has been completed

PMO initiates invoicing and notifies the Finance Team

PMO performs the post provisioning Q/A process

PMO closes the Work Order

Sales Order is executed by both parties
Sales Order must include contact info for Customer's Technical Resource (CTR)