a Joseph Tengler 12 éve
Career portfolio
Exploring various pathways after high school reveals the importance of academic achievement and strategic planning. High school students are encouraged to pass their classes and achieve great grades, which are crucial for future endeavors.
College and Career portfolio Requirements Any other statement that you learned Kind student willing to learn All credits Dependeds on act score High school Diplomia High school Study hard to pass you act Get Great Grades Electives Finishing high school Passing all of your classes College More support to get more jobs To get a degree To get more knowledge To Inprove, to get a better rank Two years Military To use guns accuratly and not mis-using them To become more ranked and get more money To learn better self-defense stratigies To have the will to survive Free ride for College Job To help others in need to learn To better understand and to use your learning skills To put things into good use To use tools Make houses and other objects