a Brian Baum 17 éve
Még több ilyen
Forest clearing
-There will be fewer trees( loss of habitat and less oxygen.)
-Replaces by building, roads, farms and factories.
-Animals have to relocate( herbivores, omnivores and carnivores.)
-Land animals and equatic animals may die or relocate if they are in the are that has much less water.
-The land that now has much more water will flood.
-The one are will flood and the other will have a huge amount of reduced water flow.
-Water covers plants so they die.
-Not enough plants for herbivores so they die or move.
-Not enough herbivores for amnivores for carnivores so they die or move.
-Not enough water for plants so they die.
-Not enough plants for herbivores therefore they die or move.
-Not enough herbivores for omnivores for carnivores therefore they die or move.
Microbes and diseases
Some diseases like turberculoosis can be good say a big pack of elk and one of them has the disease well that disease will spred to the weeker elk which would kill them but then the pack woould be small and healthy.
Helpful Microbes
Bacteria's are used in the making of cheese yogurt and buttermilk. bacteria is also used for tanning leather
Population Cycles
A population cycle describes 2 or more speices relationship.
Eg. The lynx eats the snowshoe hair which eats willow when the snowshoe hair population goes up the lynx population goes up so the willow is starting to die so it produces poisen which kill the snowshoe are so the lynx die so no theres a reasnible amount of lynx and snowshoe hair.
Secondary Succession
Secondary succession is when comunity is destroyed and a new comunity is made.
Primary succession
Primary succession is when there was no community there before but one is made over time.