a Gabriel Ovalle 4 éve
Chapter 1: CONTENT-BASSED INSTRUCTION: Research fundations
Content-based instruction (CBI) is an educational approach that integrates language learning with subject matter instruction. It draws significant support from research in second language acquisition, cognitive psychology, and educational strategies.
Chapter 1: CONTENT-BASSED INSTRUCTION: Research fundations SUPPORT OF CBI FROM TRAINING STUDENTS Extensive reading Improve language abilities abput reading new vocabulary and general knowledge Metacognitive/learning strategy instruction Do more than just read. It is about to get critical and more cognitive Cooperative learning Learning by teamwork SUPPORT FOR CBI FROM SECOND LENGUAGE ADQUISITION RESEARCH A major source of support for CBI comes from second language acquisition research. SUPPORT FOR CBI FROM EDUCATIONAL AND COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Motivation, atributions, and interest research Factors which support students success Discourse compression progressing research Deeper learning by analysing readings Depht-of-progressing research Presentation of coherent and meangful information for a deeper processing Cognitive learning theory Teaching by conbine developt of knowledge practice at the time is promote independent learning SUPPORT FROM CBI PROGRAM OUTCOMES Foreign language Second langauge (not common) L2 Second language (communly learned in the countries) L1 Mother tongue BICS Basic international communication skills CALP Cognitive academic language proficiency ESP English for specific porpuses EAP English for academic porpuses CBI Content Based Instructions K-12 Primary and secondary schooling