a Aaron thinakaran 3 éve
Chapter 4
Caring For The Environment
Caring for the environment involves several aspects, both positive and negative. Farming is crucial as it provides food and healthy vegetables, yet it demands significant land and financial resources.
Chapter 4
Caring For The Environment Factory waste They are very toxic and can kill mostly whatever it touches and it will stay there for a very long time Farming(Negative Effects) It takes up a lot of land and cost alot of money. Buidling of houses Houses of give people shelter and can cause the amou t of homeless people to decres. Negative effects builing houses can also take up alot of land. Solar panels are also very expensive and can be hard set up
and need specialist to install them. Camera traps can be expensive if used in almost every single area. Ocean Littering It can cause animals to suffocate of even sometime dirty their homes. Farming(Positive Effects) It can feed people and can be healthy and bring vegetables to the environment Cause of habitat lost People want more land to build houses and apartment so they clear out the animals land cut down loads of trees from the local area. Positive Effects Building houses it can give people homes and shelter. Sola panels help conserve electricity by changing electricity into electricity. A camera trap can observe animals