Kategóriák: Minden - monarchy - oil - alliance - war

a Omar Ahmed - Rick Hansen SS (2542) 5 éve



Saudi Arabia has long been a significant country in global geopolitics, particularly for its strategic alliance with the United States, which dates back to 1932. This partnership has primarily revolved around lucrative oil and arms deals, with billions of dollars exchanging hands and significant Saudi investments in American businesses, especially in the technology sector.


Saudi Arabia

Crown Prince, Muhammad Bin Salman

Autocratic leadership style
Called 'Abu Rasasa' by Saudi residents

Means 'Father of the bullet'

Named due to his treatment of those who criticize him

Arrests, executions, etc

Put his mother in house arrest so that she cannot stop his power grab
Tortured original Crown Prince, Mohamed bin Nayef until he gave up his throne
Arrested hundreds of his cousins on false corruption charges to gain more power as they were his political rivals or critics
Human Rights

Yemen was spiraling in to Civil War

Saudi Arabia helped the Yemeni government fight against the rebels

Is using the war to fight a proxy-war against Iran

Saudi government has striked over 18, 000 airstrikes against Yemen

Mass-starvation, over 13 million stuck in famine

Civilians targeted, as well as schools and hospitals

Instead of calling of airstrikes, Muhammad bin Salman, he just tried to increase his popularity by writing a $930 million check to the UN

Saudi-Iran relations never good

Killing of Jamal Khashoggi

Journalist of the Washington State Journal, Jamal Khashoggi, was missing after entering the Saudi consulate

Was hypothesized that Saudi Arabia ordered the killing on him for his progressive views

Hypothesized that Muhammad Bin Salman ordered the killing

Considered to be a 'reformer' and was 'going to the change the Arab world'
Proposed idea for VISION 2020

Plan for Saudi Arabia's economy to end reliance on Oil and to diversify their economy

Lifted ban on women driving

Country of great significance to countries like the United States of America

A strategic alliance between the two countries has existed since 1932 for Oil or for Arms Deals
America hesitant to sanction Saudi Arabia because of that alliance

Deals worth billions of dollars being made actively

Saudi Arabia investing heavily in US-businesses, especially in tech

Entire country controlled by the Saud monarchy

Saud family consisting of 5,000-15,000 people
2,000 controlling the wealth and power

Estimated net worth of the family is more than 1 trillion USD ($1,000,000,000,000)