Kategóriák: Minden - decisiones - gestión - colaboración - información

a Karla Mero Franco 4 éve





Begin by entering your organisation's name in the central topic, then press Enter.

Sistemas de Información de Gestión

In this part of the map, plan out some initial actions for your Balanced Scorecard project.

Use this map to develop the plan further and keep track of actions as you make progress.

generar reportes
capaces de
recopilar y gestionar

Add an action for the execution phase of your project. Think about:

“Management information System”

Esta compuesto por:

Componentes fisicos, componentes logicos y componente humano

Sistemas de colaboración empresarial

The four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard technique help ensure that you are making measurements across all the important areas of your business.
Use the sections below to help identify further measurements, and to group any measurements that have already been identified by examining your stakeholder needs and strategy.

servicios a un abanico
No es de uso especifico
gran cantidad de información
más utilizado

Add an external customer measurement that reflects future potential. Choose from the typical ones suggested, or preferably create your own.
Measurements should be:

Market shareCustomer acquisitionCustomer retentionCustomer satisfactionCustomer profitabilityProduct or service attributesCustomer relationshipsImage and reputation
sistemas ERP
“Enterprise resource planning”

Measurements in the Financial perspective show whether your company has performed well financially, where improvements can be made, and whether it is in a secure position.

Add a financial measurement that reflects achievement and progress.

Sistemas de procesamiento de transacciones

Support for your project is vital.
If your project is successful at identifying the need for significant change, then you can be sure there will be barriers to change and people to convince.

almacena y procesa
nivel operacional
empresariales básicos
sistemas informáticos

Add a key player to your project. Think about:

Sistemas de Información Ejecutiva

Continually communicating the results of your Balanced Scorecard project is vital.

variedad de información
acceso inmediato
generar todo tipo de datos e información

What factors will influence the design of your dashboards, to keep people informed?

Add an action for designing your dashboards to communicate measurements and improvements.

“Executive information system”

Sistema de control de procesos de negocio

Identify areas for measurement and management by thinking about your organization's mission, objectives and strategy.

sensores electrónicos conectados a computadoras

Add comments about the status of your strategy today. Is it:

“Business Process Management”

Add a statement about your mission, objectives or strategies.
If you are not clear on these, then consider using a VMOST analysis to create them.

conocidas también como “BPM”

Sistemas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones

In order to identify measurements that give insights into performance, be clear about the needs of all the stakeholders in your company.

futuros escenarios

Add a stakeholder who has an interest in the success of your organization.
You can choose from the suggestions, or better, add stakeholders that are specific to your company.

CustomersConsumersOwnersShareholdersStaffMembersRegulatorsThe communityPartnersSuppliers
recogen información de relevancia

Add a measurement that shows you understand stakeholder needs and are meeting them.

nuevos desafíos
tomar una decisiónes
resolver problemas