Clinical exercise testing evaluates an individual's fitness and cardiovascular health through various protocols and measurements. Significant indicators for halting an exercise test include a notable drop in systolic blood pressure, the onset of angina, or an excessive rise in blood pressure.
CLINICAL EX TEST BODY AND ASSESSMENT Skinfold Procedures Pinch should be maintained while reading the
caliper Caliper should be placed 1 cm away from the
thumb and finger, perpendicular to the skinfold,
and halfway between the crest and the base of
The fold All measurements should be made on the right
side of the body Skinfold generally ESTIMATE % fat within 3-5 % of
underwater weighing Hydrostatic Weighing Expensive
◦ Time consuming
◦ Uncomfortable Body composition Minimal percent body fat
- Males: 3%
- Females: 12% Average percent body fat
- Males: 16% - 24%
- Females: 22% - 31% Assessment of body
composition Many people exercise for cosmetic and weight
loss purposes Obesity is a risk factor for CAD Field Test for Aerobic Fitness PRE TEST Pedaling rate
-50 rpm Seat height
- Five degrees of knee flexion Pre-exercise blood pressure and heart rate Shuttle runs Time walk and ‘or run
- 15 minute run
- Rockport Walk Test
- 6 minute walk Step Tests Calculation of BMI Desirable < 25 kg/m2
Obesity ≥ 30kg/m2 BMI = Weight (kg)
Height (m) x Height (m) Clinical exercise testing General Indication for stopping an Exercise Test
in low risk adults Excessive rise in blood pressure: systolic pressure >
250 mmHg or diastolic pressure > 115 mmHg Significant drop (>10mmHg) in systolic blood
pressure or a failure of the systolic blood pressure to
rise with an increase in exercise intensity. Onset of angina or angina-like symptoms Contraindication to exercise
testing For certain individuals, the risks of exercise testing outweigh the potential benefits. Relative: Patients with relative contraindications may be tested
only after careful evaluation of the risk–benefit ratio Absolute: Patients with absolute contraindications should not
perform exercise tests until such conditions are stabilized or
- Height and weight
-Skinfolds, circumferences
◦ Cardiovascular endurance
-Sub-max Cycle Ergometer or Treadmill Test
◦ Muscular Endurance
-Push-ups. Partial curl-ups
Muscular Strength
- Handgrip
◦ Flexibility
-Sit and Reach Test