a Wayne Fathers 3 éve
Computer Center Bravo!
An intricate system has been established to manage various interactions and updates across multiple digital platforms, including websites, apps, and emails. This system handles a range of activities such as status updates, event confirmations, group content, and marketing notifications.
Computer Center Bravo! Feedback Management Response to submitted feedback Feedback waiting for review Feedback requiring review Feedback requiring categorisation Events Comments on my event post Bespoke event created (system generated) Bespoke event confirmation to requestor Polls New polls Incentives Nomination Someone I nominated has won an award My nomination has been rejected Reminder of nominations pending approval I need to review Nominations pending approval I need to review Nomination awards sent to my team Nomination awards sent to me Comments on nominations I'm following Comments on my nominations Likes on my nominations Nominations sent to me Reported content New reported content News articles New news articles Likes on my news articles Comments on new articles I'm following Comments on my news articles Decks New deck published Status (posts) Likes on my status Comments on status updated I'm following Comments on my status External/ad hoc Ad hoc (manual) notifications Marketing - competitions/SDE's etc. (email) MSS offers (email) Reward Pre-paid card suggestions I need to review Pre-paid card suggestions I have been forwarded My prepaid card suggestion has been actioned Emails WeGift order confirmation Wallet credit received Redemptions order confirmation Long Service My teams Long Service milestones My teams upcoming Long Service milestones Likes on my Long Service milestone Comments on my Long Service milestone My Long Service milestone (post) My Long Service milestone notification Recognition New recognitions to approve Comments on recognitions I'm following Likes on my recognition Comments on my recognition Recognitions sent to my team Recognitions sent to me Groups New group content Group join requests User GDPR Inactive Update email address Mentions App Website Password reset Welcome Registration reminder Registration Email