a Mohamed Akhouaji 3 éve
Contact tracing App
The project involves the creation of a contact tracing application aimed at identifying and containing the spread of pandemic diseases. Key stakeholders include society, particularly vulnerable groups such as the elderly and ill, private businesses, investors, government entities, and hospitals.
Contact tracing App Success criteria Technical requirements compliance the given timeline simple and plain Marketing and advertise the app adapt to the society meeting the stakeholder requirements Teamwork finding new ideas speak about problems Scope
(What is (not)
part of the project?) Excluded Included Risk are warnings Brainstorming
(Other ideas about the topic) App gets promoted by doctors and vaccination centers disease teast request Risk area warnings sending feedback to the health departement Communication Public relations Investor relations Marketing Social media Stakeholders
(who cares or is
affected by
your project?) hospitals Private Business Investors Society especially old and ill people Government Risks
(what can
go wrong?) no pandemic disease after finishing problems with the privacy not accepted by the society Marketing and advertise Devolepement 35%(7000€)
Plattform 10%(2000€)
Planning Meetings App Design 15%(3000€) Timeline Testing 1 Week developement 2-3 months planning 1 Month find ideas 2 Weeks Resources
(what will you
need to get
things done?) Meeting room online spatiality Budget Tester Developer Database Developing plattform Project Goal(s) Which area is a risk area? Contain the spread of a pandemic disease warn people from infected people