a Rafael Fernandez 4 éve
The global outbreak of a new virus has significantly impacted daily life, causing widespread fear and anxiety. Efforts to curb the pandemic have led to the development of vaccines, which are widely regarded as a crucial tool in combating the virus.
CORONAVIRUS NOUNS ASSESTMENT CHORES STUCK MASK Wear a mask! TREATMENTS He needs a treatment VACCINES Vaccines are good. CORONANXIETY Here’s how I’m managing my own coronanxiety SYMPTOMS They have symptoms VIRUS A virus infection ANXIETY He felt a surge of anxiety PANDEMIC The results may have been skewed by an influenza pandemic FEAR He is prey to irrational fears I don't have coronavirus ADJETIVES PARALYZED I was paralized ATTENTIVE The class was attentive NOTICEBLY Things like plants that grow noticeably EXPOSED We are all exposed OBSSESIVELY I play games obsessively OVERWHELMED Maggie is overwhelmed with work at the moment. POWERLESS We all felt powerless during the hurricane. HELPLESS The cubs are born blind and helpless THOROUGHLY clean your hands thoroughly as soon as you get home HEALTHY Do you want to keep healthy and fit? EFFECTIVELY to deal with it more effectively UNMANAGEABLE His behavior was becoming unmanageable at home UNFORTUNATELY And unfortunately, ... UNPRECEDENT we are living through unprecedented and extremely challenging circumstances VERB TIDY The room looked so tidy TO BOSS This are some thing you should know to boss your time ACCOMPLISH All things you have accommplished this year SHIFT The movers shifted the table REDUCE You should reduce your levels of anxiety SEEK I'm seeking for a cure MANAGE Let's have a word about how could we manage this disaster FUELING They were fueling the car NURTURE Parents have to nurture their kids until they are 18's CLEAN You have to clean your hands everytime you arrive home EXPERIENCE It is very similar to what we are experiencing now DISTRACTS try to distract yourself learning something new FURLOUGH many workers take their furlough because of the lockdown