Kategóriák: Minden - bibliography - comprehension - research

a Zhenjie Liu 4 éve


CR 6.0-6.2: Critical Reading

Annotating the margins involves summarizing key points to aid in future recall, similar to how bibliographies function. Different types of articles serve varied purposes; newspaper articles provide current event coverage and primary sources for historical research, popular articles focus on entertainment and opinions, and scholarly articles offer crucial original research for academic disciplines.

CR 6.0-6.2: Critical Reading

CR 6.0-6.2: Critical Reading

Janechek, Jennifer. "Annotating the Margins" Writing Commons, 21 January, 2012.

Marking Up Texts
Annotations for a bibliography and annotations for the margins are similar: either way, people are summarizing key points so that people remember them later.

Saddleback College Library. Different "Articles Charts" SC Library, Mission Viejo, CA, 2019.

Academic and Scholarly Sources

Popular articles provide entertainment, opinion, and summaries of current events


Newspaper articles provide current coverage of events, reporting of federal, state or local government, and primary sources for historical research


Scholarly articles provide information and original research that is important to scholars and their disciplines

Zemliansky, Pavel. "Research and Critical Reading" English Composition II: Rhetorical Methods–Based. Edited by Lumen Learning. Lumen Learning, Portland, OR, 2019.

Critical Reading
Critical reading means that a reader applies certain processes, models, questions, and theories that result in enhanced clarity and comprehension.