Kategóriák: Minden - relationships - development - abuse - partner

a Tino Galindo 2 éve


Domestic violence. A current health problem

Domestic violence remains a pervasive issue affecting women worldwide, with significant attention from international organizations. Statistics indicate that 15% to 71% of women aged 15 to 49 have experienced physical or sexual violence by a partner.

Domestic violence. A current health problem

Domestic violence. A current health problem


Domestic violence whit its multiple expression is considered harmful and at present it is not possible to indicate ezactly how muuch it affects the psychollogical, physical, social and sexual health of the people who suffer from it

Types of domestic violence

Sexual abuse
imposing unwanted sexaul ideas and acts on women, non-consensual touching, penetratring the victim with objects, rape, pressering to see pornographic photograps or videos, among others
Psychological abuse
Damages the psychic and emotional stability of the person who is a victim
Physical abuse
It refers to blows that cause physical injuries that can include bruising, broken bones, internal bleeding, and even death.
They are families without the possibility of guaranteeing their children food, education, clothing, housing


Systematize the behavior of this phenomenon todoy

-promote the development of social skills from childhood. - promote the development of healthy stimulating, healthy relationships between parent and children - promote communication styles and educational styles in children capable of generating greater independence, respect, and mutual uderstanding

- provide the establishment of limits and roles in the family from an early age. -promote affective relationships where the primary thing is the expression of parental and/or family affection, education in values, among others. -Strengthen the link between family and school, considered the main sources of developmennt of the child¨s personality

what is it

A phenomenon present, to a greater or lesser extent, in all societies, and is of growing interest in international institutions, whit recognize its importance on a global scale and within each country
percentage of women aged 15 to 49 who have suffered physical or sexual violence by their partner throughout their lives is between 15% and 71%

By the parner is the most common form of violence suffered by women, 30% of women in Latin America and the Caribbean have experienced sexual or physical violence at the hands of their partner, while 11% have suffered sexual violence perpetrated by a third