a Andrey Chikunov 4 éve
The document outlines various functionalities and modules within a healthcare management system. It details how dosing calculations and prescriptions are managed, including re-prescribing and patient consultations.
inventory log inventory pellet changes inventory item history delete inventory item edit inventory item create inventory item inventory list practice own practice edit own practice own practice info practices management change practice status (activate/deactivate) edit practice create practice practice info practice list patient chart patient cerbo unlink search match patient update demographical data edit patient create patient manage labs draw view draw info view all draw update draw create new draw Dosing Re-prescribe Re-calculate Prescribe Calculate dosage external source links Tawk-chat Help Marketing Research Articles role & permissions limit funcionality by role permissions hide/blur ui cmponets by role permissions access for pages by role permissions access for enpoints by role permissions Role Permission list Role list privacy and terms log user routing on HIPPA privicy pages show privicy info user settings managing Two Factor Authorization changing password phone verification email verification edit personal information patient consults create consult request reopen resolve reply response assign consultant list of consult requests view full consult request info activity log History of Changes activity log list reports export reports xlsx (Excel) export repots to PDF report list users invite user users list manage user edit user roles Lock/Unlock user Lock/Unlock History switch transgender Access switch user status edit info registration send invitation
auth select role check sessions from another ip force password reset login 2fa remember me forgot password routing the administrator to follow links from emails dosaggio Support stuff Provider Admin Provider Master Admin