Esperanza Rising Characters
In the narrative, the central figure is Esperanza Ortega, a young girl with distinctive dark eyelashes and almond-shaped brown eyes. She comes from a wealthy family and has a close relationship with her parents, Sixto and Ramona Ortega, and her grandmother, Abuelita Ortega.
Esperanza Rising Characters by Mackenzi Wheeler Isabel Sweet Long braids Skinny legs Big brown eyes Esperanza's new friend Carmen Has 8 children. Sell chickens for a living. Her husband died. Gives to those who have less then her. Pepe More demanding then Lupe Lupe Reaches for Esperanza all the time. Less demanding then Pepe. good-natured Baby Tio Luis Bank President Smarter then Tio Marco Chiquita Orange fur Cat Miguel Big, sleepy eyes Thick eyebrows Hortensia Blue-black braided hair Miguel's mama Short Zapotec Indian Alfonso Miguel's papi Droopy mustache Sixto Ortega Fat, Brown eyes Gets Esperanza a doll for her birthday each year. Esperanza's papi Juan Round eyes Long eyelids Dark skin Isabel's papi Josefine Plump, round face Isabel's mama Marta Jealous of Esperanza Rude Short, black, curly hair Melina Crochets Tells Esperanza gossip Friendly Has a baby Looks about as old as Miguel Irene Lives with Melina Long gray hair Abuelita Ortega Wrinkled Esperanza's grandma Wears gold earring loops White hair Old Ramona Ortega Esperanza's mami Tio Marco Gloomy Mayor Acts like a donkey White beards Esperanza's uncle Tiny mustache Billy-goat Skinny Tall Esperanza Ortega Rich Fat brown eyes like almonds. Dark eye lashes Fair, creamy skin Black, wavy, thick hair