a Sebastian Nunes [Student] 4 éve
Még több ilyen
the very first thing you should be aware of is that the cat is a carnivore so they eat meat
What to do next?
Congratulations, you've just finished mapping your SMART goals for the following year.
What to do next:
maine coons
Why is it important to plan your year ahead?
Planning ahead for the next year has some highly important benefits: it contributes to your personal and business growth; it helps you set priorities and focus on them; you get to prevent all sorts of risks and get accustomed with change.
between 400-1500$
A goal refers to an expected outcome that has one or several specific objectives which have to be achieved within a designated time frame. Regarding the time frame, goals can either be long-term goals, or short-term goals. These two basic categories can be further sub-divided:
solving, innovation, or some type of improvement;
Remember that goals should relate to accomplishments (therefore the result), not activities.
felis catus
S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym and it stands for:
quality, cost, etc.
An accurate planning process will ensure you always know what your next move will be. This way, you will be prepared to handle change more easily: knowing all the next steps will help anticipating the risks. Also, it’s a great way to monitor your progress.
do all maine coon cats get big
What are your goals for December? Type them in.
Choose an icon to set the priority level:
12.5 years
What are your goals for November? Choose an icon to set the priority levels:
how long do they live
Type in your goals for October. Choose an icon to set the priority level:
What steps do you have to take
in order to achieve this goal?
they produce a fishy mucky smell from there anal glands
What are your goals for September? Choose an icon to set the priority level:
What steps do you have to take in order to achieve this goal? Example - in order to write first draft for your novel:
fun facts
do they smell bad
Type in the goals for August. Choose an icon to set the priority level:
What steps do you have to take in order to achieve this goal? Example - in order to grow your blog:
they make a chirp and trill maine coons don't typically meow
yes and no
the maine coon likes being either indoors or outdoors
What are your SMART goals for July? Choose an icon to set the priority level:
do they meow
are they indoor cats
Type in the SMART goals for June.
Choose an icon to set the priority level:
there just as intelligent as others
the maine coon enjoys a rich history in our state and is in fact the state cat of maine. ... well short answer yes they are from maine but as with all in life there origins are more complicated than one might think
Type in your SMART goals for May.
Choose an icon to set the priority level:
they are good mousers
What steps do you have to take in order to achieve this goal?
are maine coons the smartest cats
are maine coons from maine
What are your SMART goals for April?
Choose an icon to set the priority level:
it takes 4-5 years for the maine coon to become full grown
What steps do you have to take in order to achieve this goal? Example - to find several contacts that could turn into customers:
maine coon diseases include
What type of goal is it?
they are decendant of the norwegian forest cat
since genetic testing indicates that maine coons are actually a decendant of both the norwegian forest cat and a mysterious extinct domestic breed the vikings are likely responsible
Type in your SMART goals for March.
Choose an icon to set the priority level:
they have the nickname gentle giants because of there size and temperment
what breeds make up a maine coon
Type in the SMART goals for February.
Choose an icon to set the priority level:
it could be that they are decended to cats introduced by the vikings
What steps do you have to take in order to achieve this goal? Type in the answer.
do maine coons have health problems
united states
Taking into account the areas you will want to focus on, type in the SMART goals for January.
Choose an icon to set the priority level:
it is official state cat of maine
What steps do you have to take in order to achieve this goal? Example: in order to learn tango, you should practice at least 1 hour, three times a week.
not all
maine coons can get over 3 feet long
What type of goal is it?
Review your past year
to see what you achieved and what areas you still want to improve. Do you have any regrets?
12-18 inches
19-30 inches
10 to 16 inches
8-18 lbs
What do you have in mind for the following year?
Taking into consideration the year that has just passed, it's time to make new, bigger, bolder plans. Will you change the city/country you are living in? Are there any new skills you are planning to acquire? Are you taking a new career step?
Choose several areas in which you are prepared to make a huge difference this year. Consider taking just a few, maybe just 2 or 3 areas. Having too may areas to focus on would imply a waste of your energy. List them and choose icons to set their priority levels: