fincial literacy
Managing personal finances involves understanding various aspects such as budgeting, saving, and managing debt. Budgeting helps in allocating resources wisely and avoiding unnecessary expenditures.
fincial literacy banking reiteirmrent saving money you can use when you retier earning you can get more money budget be smart save dont sped all of it somthing dumb you can put it certain things credit you can put money into it online purchases gift card you can use it as a gift in game purchases you can only usse for certine stores cash gift it to somone little purchases saving so you can spend it on usefull things bills debt you put some money every month to debt check tax when the gouverment takes some of your money you get taxed on it by the gouverment it can be a big sum of money loan you pay it back to the bank money that the bank gives you debit to pay for goods money that you have withdraw money emt if you owe somone money crypto payment invest money into it get more