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One day, young Tom went shooting with the gamekeeper near the edge of Mr Allworthy's land. They surprised some birds, which flew into the neighbour's land.
At last Mr Allworthy believed Tom was telling the truth. Heapologized, and gave Tom a little horse as a present.'Oh, sir,' Tom said, 'you are too good to me.' He very nearlytold Mr Allworthy the truth, but then he remembered the gamekeeper and was silent. He felt very guilty.
The good Mr Allworthy called Tom his own boy, and in allthings made him equal with Master Blifil. Mrs Blifil agreed with this, though everyone believed she secretly hated Tom.
At the same time, Tom began to grow friendly with the neighbour whose dead bird had caused so much trouble, and so he met his neighbour's daughter.
Everyone will fall in love once in their lives, and there is no particular age for this, but at Miss Bridget's age love is serious and steady. It was not the captain's body
My sister is many years younger than me,' he thought, 'but she is old enough to make her own decisions.
Mr Allworthy suggested to his sister that the two boys be raised together in his house. Mrs Blifil agreed, but Captain Blifil was not so easily pleased.
Although Mr Allworthy had punished the father, he grew fonder of little Tommy. This did not please Captain Blifil, who saw every example of Mr Allworthy's generosity to others as his own loss.
this story begins his wife also died. He loved her still, and sometimes said that he was waiting to join her after death.
He now lived in the country most of the time, with his sister,Miss Bridget Allworthy. This lady was now past the age of thirty. She was a very good woman who often thanked God she was not beautiful.
Now, reader, as Mr Allworthy had a large fortune, a good heart and no family, you may think that he lived an honest life,
One evening, Mr Allworthy came back to his house very late and very tired. He had been away in London on business for several months.
Then Miss Bridget gave orders for the servants to get a very good room in the house ready for the child,
Later that day, Mrs Wilkins went to the village nearby to ask questions about the abandoned child. She soon decided that the most likely mother was Jenny Jones.
And now we must leave Jenny Jones and little Tom Jones for a while, as we have much more important things to tell.