Kategóriák: Minden - contraindications - technical - procedure - imaging

a Patricia Brownell 3 éve


Genitourinary System Imaging

Functional renal imaging involves procedures where the patient is positioned supine, with one arm placed for optimal IV access. The process starts with the immediate acquisition of flow images post-injection of radiopharmaceuticals, typically 99mTc-DTPA or 99mTc-MAG3, which are used to evaluate glomerular filtration rates and effective renal plasma flow respectively.

Genitourinary System Imaging

Genitourinary System Imaging

Vesicouretal Imaging


Morphological Renal Imaging

Renal Scintigrahy w/ Ace Inhibitor

Diuretic Renal Scan

Functional Renal Imaging

-Patient is supine -one arm can be at patient's side and other is placed on side table for easy flow injection -bolus of rph inject via IV -IV at antecubital preferred -Sternal notch in top one third of image -Begin flow acquisition immediately after injection
Post Void

-posterior static acquisition for 2 minutes


-Dynamic acquisition -19 minutes of 20 s/frame

Flow Renal Perfusion

-Dynamic acquisition -30 frames x 2s/frame -1 minute total time

Technical Details
-Single or dual head gamma camera -full field of view for adults -LEAP (all purpose) collimator -128x128 flow -256x256 function -Camera position posterior -Camera anterior if previous kidney transplant
99mTc-DTPA (Pentetate)

-Cleared by glomerular filtration with minimal binding to the renal parencyma -Useful for Glomerular Filtration Rates (GFR) -Useful for blood flow rates to each kindey

99mTc-MAG3 (Mertiatide)


-Excreted by tubular secretion -high first pass extraction fraction -rapid plasma clearance -Preferred over DTPA (Pentetate) -Used for Effective Renal Plasma Flow (ERPF)

Dose Amount

10-20 mCi

Patient Preparation
-patient history (abdominal surgery) -Patient should hydrate well before exam -void just before exam
-recent iodine contrast study -pregancy
-Evaluation of a renal transplant -Evaluation of acute renal failure -Measurement of relative renal function