Kategóriák: Minden - theorem - angles - surface - shapes

a Alesha Bates 10 éve


Geometric Figures

Geometric figures are essential concepts in mathematics, characterized by specific properties and definitions. Shapes such as pyramids, tetrahedrons, pentahedrons, and hexahedrons are defined by their faces and dimensions.

Geometric Figures

Geometric Figures


IF two lines in the plane are cut by a transversal and some pair of their corresponding angles has the same measure, then the lines are parallel.
If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then their corresponding angles have the same measure.


Is a Three dimensional shape with six faces
Is a three dimensional shape with five faces
Is a three dimensional shape with four faces
consists of two congruent polygons in parallel planes together with the lateral faces joining at the bases.
a closed surface given by a polygon and point not in plane of a polygon called its apex
a space figure that is the union of all points on a simple closed surface and all points in its interior.
the set of points in space at a constant distance from a single point called center
Skew Lines
Two lines that do not belong to a common plane
Half space
The two regions that are separated by plane

Sums of the angle measure in convex polygon

Sum of the measures of the exterior angles of convex polygon is 360* the sum is (n-2) 180*


Total turn
The total turn made when traversing any closed curve is an integer multiple of 360*
Jordan curve
A simple closed plane curve partitions the plane into three disjoints subsets: the curve itself, the interior of the curve , and the exterior angles.
Euler's Formula
The numbers V of vertices , F of faces and E of edges of a polyhedron are related by formula V+F= E+2


Curved Surface
Spheres, hemispheres, cones, prisms.
Models of polyhedrons that depict the pattern of figures.
Simple Closed Surface
A surface without holes
Boundary edges that encloses a region called interior