Kategóriák: Minden - gender - identity - media

a A M 17 éve



The discussion centers around the diverse aspects of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, addressing various misconceptions and stereotypes. Key topics include the experiences and challenges faced by transgender individuals, particularly in a society that may disapprove of their gender identity.



Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Community


Legal Rights
Military Service

Why does the military simply not even use homosexuals? What are the problems with "Don't Ask, Don't Tell?"

Immigrant Status

International Relationships

How do marriage laws affect non-American citizens who want to come into the US to be with their loved ones?


Homosexuality is punishable by death, and therefore many gay Iranians seek asylum.

Work Rights

Implicit Expectations

Spiritual Advisors

Gay bishops? Gay priests? Are all of the child abuse scandals homosexual in nature?


How has the GLBT fared in politics? Is outting a new weapon? How does support of GLBT rights affect political standing?


What sort of backlashes have there been in situations which parents have learned that their child's teacher is gay?

Equal Opportunity Employers

What legal protections are there to GLBT individuals regarding job security?

Hate Crimes

Why aren't homosexuals protected under hate crimes, even though it is an obvious fact that homosexuals are targets?



How has Germany's split-marriage system worked out?


Has Denmark's lengthy history of allowing gay marriage "degraded the sanctity of marriage?"

United States

Which states allow gay marriage? Which states allow pseudo-marriage? Which officially ban it?

How has Amendment C impacted South Dakota?


What are current theories on the nature of homosexuality? What "causes" it?


Chimpanzees have been known to perform sexual acts as sorts of favors, disregarding sex often.


Several cases of male penguins mating together have existed in zoos in the US, Japan, and Germany.


Studies have shown that a large number of male giraffes engage in homosexuality.


Whales have been known to engage in same-sex acts.

Environmental Factors
Biological Factors


The Holocaust

How was the European GLBT community affected during the Holocaust? Why has their persecution during been denied for so long?

AIDS Epidemic

How has the AIDS crisis impacted the GLBT community, particularly homosexual men?


Porn Industry

What does the porn industry imply about the marketability of the GLBT community?

Is lesbian porn intended more for heterosexual men or homosexual women?

What about the marketing of "boy's love" in Japan?


Big Names

How have big names like Barbra Streisand, Liza Minelli, Elton John, George Michael, Ellen Degeneres, and even Judy Garland affected the community?

Popular TV

How have shows like "Queer Eye" and "Will & Grace" impacted the gay rights community?

What does it say that more and more shows are showing positive or neutral portrayals of homosexuals, as in "Law & Order"?

Rights Movements


How did the Stonewall Riots change the predominantly submissive attitude of the GLBT community?


Kabuki Theatre

Traditional theatre in which actors and roles have opposite sexes. That is, men play the roles of women and vice versa.


Samurai took up young apprentices, often developing into sexual relationships.



James I

How have the romantic relationships between King James I shown hypocracy in man-made law and religion? What, if any, impact has this created?


How have the ancient acts of pederasty and Pagan free love affected modern views of the GLBT community in a predominantly-Christian society?

Free Love



What are MtF and MtM? What consequences are there of having the opposite gender identity that a heterosexist society disapproves of? How much clout does gender identity hold over physical sex?

What sorts of studies have even been done on the thought processes of transgender individuals?



Portrayal in Media

All lesbians are actually bisexual?

Gay men are effeminate fashionistas?

Bisexual men are promiscuous, bisexual women only engage in same-sex for the pleasure of men?

All transvestites are transgender? All transgenders are prostitutes?


Gender Identity

Do gay men identify as women? What about masculine gay men? What are bears?

What are butch and lipstick lesbians?