a Melanie Hatton 10 éve
Hiring felons
Navigating the employment opportunities for individuals with felony convictions involves understanding various constraints and support systems. One critical aspect is the role of parole officers and the specific restrictions placed on certain licenses, particularly in Michigan.
Employer Liability Incentives Hiring felons Documents Goodwill publications EEOC, multiple docs MDOC policy directive , parole guidelines PDFs How to create a PDF With "clickable" table of contents Check P Drive Certificate of Employability Include a "major points" at th beginning to summarize When is the earliest a parolee will have these? Sex Offenses Types Blanket no felony law Disparate treatment Recidivism With employment In General Stats The Sentencing Project ACLU Prisoners' Rights RExO ISSUU NH Reentry Resource Center Bureau of Prisons MI Dashboard Ready4Work EEOC Bonding Federal Bonding Program What it does and does not cover? Attach application Where to get bonding MI Works
Work Ethics Are they allowed to do the job MI prohibits certain licenses Contact Parole officer Sex offender websites Liability Perceived Workplace crime Real Parole Housing Mental Health Program Performance Age Statistical Risk Property and assaultive risk Institutional Conduct Prior Criminal Record Active Sentence Minor role in multiple offender situation Situation unlikely to occur again Organized crime involvment Drug trafficker Career criminal Leader in multiple offender situation Victim vulnerable Multiple victims Victim held captive Sexual Offense Violence/cruelty Property loss $5,000+ Force/Injury/Death Weapon Tax Credits WOTC