Kategóriák: Minden - society - jobs - vote - women

a Sam Brouwer 6 éve


History Culmanting

During the First World War, women began to be recognized for their ability to contribute significantly to society. With many men fighting overseas, numerous jobs became vacant, prompting the government to allow women to fill these roles.

History Culmanting

History Culminating Gender Treatment Womens Rights

Main topic

Women in WW1 Unit 1

Connection to unit 4
In this unit, women are getting acknowledged for the first time as human's that can contribute to society because they needed them too that is the cause of why they had to start working in the first place.

Some connections I made are in WW1 women are getting their first shot at jobs. In Montreal in the late 1900's women are working the same jobs as men, getting a higher education than men, and taking men's jobs as well well in the early 1900's that was never offered.

I can learn that during the early 1900's women lived as house wives and provided for the husbands. Now women are living successful lives that don't rely on a husband. A lot of couples now the wife makes more than the husband.

Women's first chance as working as nurses. There was many few that were nurses in this time period.

Most of the women were working in factories and farms. All the women with families couldn't become a nurse because they had to watch their kids.

I picked this primary source because it shows how few women choose a career because they wanted it vs to fill the need of the economy and government. Shows how few women worked away from their home as well.

"In WW1 3,141 women served with the Royal Canadian Medical Corps and 2,500 went overseas to front line."

The Government of Canada."First World War", March 2017,http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/those-who-served/women-and-war/timeline#fww. (June 16,2018)

When men left to go fight in the first world war, all the once filled jobs were now empty. This left the government no choice than to let the women fill the voids. A lot of women had to take care of the family farms by their selves. Over 30,000 women were working in factories, farms, and offices.

Another big occurrence was the first opportunity for women to vote. women of husbands, sons or brothers serving in the war were allowed to vote.

Women also became Able to serve as a nurse for the first world war.

Women in WW2 Unit 2

Connection to unit 1
In WW2 women served a much bigger part than the other war. A big difference is that they were working for the war efforts not just on the Homefront like WW1.

In WW2 this era was much more inclusive. The men's beliefs from WW1 to WW2 is so different based on women roles and what they are capable of.

Womens work ethic provides influenced a change as women proved cable of being able to do things men were not.

Shows how many people participated in the war efforts in WW2.

Although women weren't allowed to fight yet they still contributed a great deal to the war effort.

Shows how many women were part of it because that stat only shows the war goods industry and not everything else.

"In 1943 approx 261,000 women were involved in production of war goods accounting for 30% in aircraft industry"

Historica Canada. "Canadian Women and War", February 2006,https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/women-and-war/. (June 14, 2018).

In WW1 women got their first chance at jobs when men were at war. In WW2 women got their chance to work in the war. Some army corps that women had was Women's Royal Canadian Naval Services, Canadian Army Corps and more. Women were not fully allowed to join army forces still. 50,000 women enlisted in army, navy, and airforce and working in supporting roles but eventually, some got trained in trades. As an example, some in the army got trained as nurses but eventually became mechanics.

Baby Boom Unit 3

Connection to unit 2
This connects to WW2 because it happened right after. Right when the men arrived home the baby's and marriages started to happen.

When Men were at war it was impossible to have children so women mainly were working.

Women in ww2 were taking their opportunity's in the newly available workforce in the war front rather than at home.

Cause of men coming home and the baby boom happening was millions of kids worldwide were born.

This was historically significant because it became long lasting change as a masssive portion of population was made. Most boomers are now retiring.

Explanation of Primary Source
This statistic showed how much the birth rate went up during this time period in Canada. It shows how when the economy is booming how much everything changes like the baby boom. This was a huge stepping stone after the great depression.
Primary source
"the annual births in Canada rose from 253,000 in 1940 to 479,000 in 1960."

Historica Canada. "Baby Boom", August 2013, https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/baby-boom/. (June 14, 2018)

Baby rate rocketed from after ww2 to 1965. Improving economic conditions caused this baby boom as men were arriving home from war. The Great Depression massively declined the birthrate. There were 2 things that supported the Baby Boom. 1. there was a larger amount of people getting married. 2. More women were getting married younger and having more kids because of this. 1.5 million more births occurred then the normal time period. Women were also getting paid $6 dollars a month if they had a baby. This boom ended n 1965 because women started getting married later as the workforce for women began to grow.

Montreal Massacre Unit 4

Connection to Unit 3
The killer believed that women weren't meant for taking men's jobs/ this relates to the baby boom because women were very useful in that time period by growing the population by having kids and many believed they should stay home and watch them.

A big change from today to then is now women put their careers before their family and home life.

14 women were affected and killed making this the most significant attack towards women.

In the Cold War women still aren't 100% equal to men like todays time.

Explanation of Primary source
The quote from the killer's suicide note shows his motive for the killing of feminists and what was his intentions towards women. he did not even intend to go to the school it was a last minute choice. He had a list of a bunch of other women who intended to kill instead.

I picked this primary source because it shows that he was fearful of women in the work force and was threatened. The class he went into was mainly women engineer students and that career was mainly men.

Marc used violence to cut out the competition for men.

Primary Source
Source: Huffpost. "Ecole Polytechnique Massacre:25 years later", June 2014, https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/12/06/ecole-polytechnique-massacre-25-anniversary_n_6263218.html. (June 13,2018)
Marc Lepine suicide note- "women have no place in engineering because they would take all the jobs from men"

He blames feminists for running his life.

How did this happen/What happened?
In this current Era, women are working in the same job fields as men and are taking over men's jobs with better education and better work ethic. In the engineering field at this time only 12% of them were females. Marc Lepine hated the fact that women were taking men's job in this field and thought the only way to fix that was to take out the competition of the new generation. Marc went into École Polytechnique in Montreal, Quebec with the intention to kill innocent women with the beliefs that they are feminists. He told the men of the classroom to go outside and when they did not want too he shot his gun to make them go outside. He proceeded to yell at the women "you are feminists I hate feminists" Using a knife and a rifle he killed 14 women, 12 being engineers and they shot himself.