Kategóriák: Minden - stereotypes - challenges - positivity - motivation

a Jaiden Delarosa 2 éve


How do we stay motivated when all our best efforts are not seen to pay off.

The narrative emphasizes the significance of self-motivation and explores the challenges faced when efforts don't yield the desired results. It delves into the notion that motivation must originate from within rather than relying on external validation.

How do we stay motivated when all our best efforts are not seen to pay off.

Here explain how the story brought out ideas, that are different from the other texts, but relate to unit question.

I think this story brought out alot of different thoughts and ideas for the unit question. I feel this story showed more of the idea that

This poem makes me think about how the main importance to staying motivated starts with yourself and not the people around you.

These quotes led me to think an answer to the unit question by might be that practice makes perfect. Some people may seem to just. have been born with an amazing talent but the truth is that they practice alot. Beethoven may seem like a natural with a "symphony gene" but the reality is he actualy practiced 8 hours a day, and thats how he was so good. Same thing with how some kids were able to memorize alot of hard words or do good when they got quizzed, they just practiced and studied.

Initially, I thought that the answer to a unit question was that even though people may try to put you down, you can just keep trying and eventually youll get good at somewthing. But each of these quotes helped me think of the unit question differently because they showed me that practice really is one of the most important things to get good at something, you have to focus on yourself instead of wondering how others think. They helped me to deepen the answer I gave in 4.0 because they opened my eyes to the thought that practicing really does make perfect.

How do we stay motivated when all our best efforts are not seen to pay off.

"The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway"

Put 1 quote from pages 24-36
Here explain how specific words gave you insight into Santiago's feelings
Put 1 quote from pages 12-24
Here explain how specific words gave you insight into the Santaigo's feelings
Put 1 quote from pages 1-12
Here explain how specific words gave you insight into Santiago's feelings

Here explain how those feelings gave you insight into a unit question.

"Raymond's Run" by Toni Cade Bambara Look in 4.4 for what you wrote

It’s about as real a smile as girls can do for each other, considering we don’t practice real smiling every day, you know, cause maybe we too busy being flowers or fairies or strawberries instead of something honest and worthy of respect . . . you know . . . like being people.
Smiles are really important. This quote explains that sometimes happiness can be taken away by the struggles and stress of jobs and work, but sometimes you just need to smile. This quote also may show how people will often Focus so much on what they should act like because of a stereotype but in reality they would be much happier if they acted the way they wanted.

These feelings gave me insight into how people try to keep themselves motivated by smiling, and staying positive.

“Raymond is concerned and is too stupid to know that there is not a big deal of difference between herself and Raymond and that she can’t afford to throw stones.”
This quote tells me how people are really all the same, and some people might think theyre better then others but in the end and in general they are all people. The words in this quote show that the author really cares about Raymond and doesnt think people should be treating him any differently than others.

These feelings gave me insight by showing me how some people feel like they try to make people, sometimes not even themselves, feel motivated.

Here put the title and author of a poem you read last week. You can find them in 4.2 and 4.3 ALSO look at the posters you created.

"Just like moons and like suns, with the certainty of tides, just like hopes springing high, Still Ill rise"
The terms "suns and moons" gives me the feeling of perseverance. The narrator keeps on trying to get back up again, even when they are sad. The narrator was probably showing a sense of failure but instead of giving up he decides to keep on progressing. This shows that he feels determined to eventually reach the end goal.

The feelings in this quote shows the importance of knowing your self worth, and not giving up. There are so many things that can go wrong with anything and the more we let that affect us the more we wont be able to achieve.

"I rise, I rise, I rise"
These words give you a sense of hope. That way that the words "I rise" keep repeating makes me think that this is really important to the narrator and he keeps rising above all other obstacles he may face. By him rising above the obstacles it makes him farther away from failure or giving up.

These feelings allow me to see how he stays motivated to not give up, because he saw the potential in the future. He also knows that if he gave up, he would fail. The narrator realized that failing would be even worse then continuing to reach his goal.

Which Traits Predict Success

"The first thing Duckworth, et. al. discovered is that deliberate practice works. Those kids who spent more time in deliberate practice mode - this involved studying and memorizing words while alone, often on note cards - performed much better at the competition than those children who were quizzed by others or engaged in leisure reading."
"What is talent? How did that person get so good at hitting a baseball or trading stocks? For a long time, talent seemed to be about inheritance, about the blessed set of genes that gave rise to some particular skill. Einstein had the physics gene, Beethoven had the symphony gene, and Tiger Woods (at least until his car crash) had the golf swing gene."

I think that the unit question saying “How do we stay motivated when all our best efforts do not seem to pay off in the way we hoped?” is the most interesting to me. This unit question is interesting to me because it explains to me how people can have problems come into view, and stop them from achieving their goals, but they will continue to strive to get that goal. I think people stay motivated to do these things sometimes to just prove people wrong. People may doubt others because of what they believe is possible, and some people strive to prove those types of negative people wrong, and go further beyond.