a Gabriel Cárdenas 7 éve
The curriculum covers various aspects of English grammar and communication skills across several modules. Among these, the Third Conditional explores hypothetical scenarios in the past, using participle verbs to enhance speaking and listening abilities.
MODULO VI Future With Will / Going To Future time with going to Future time with will Vocabulary (sport) Future expressions MODULO V Third Conditional Speaking and Listening Participie Verbs Third Conditional MODULO IV Second Conditional Talk about impossible situations Could, Would and Might Condicionals in past Second conditional MODULO III Zero and First Conditional Pronunciation and Speaking Others connectors Conditions and results Future time clauses Zero and First conditional MODULO II Past Perfect Tense Past simple vs Past Perfect Past perfect tense Past experiences and expressions MODULO I Present Perfect Tense Reading comprehension Speaking and listening Signal words: Since, yet, already, never, ever Present perfect tense Review regular an irregular verbs Review past module INGLES II