a Chrissy Evans 14 éve
Innovation Ideas
Proposals aimed at improving student life emphasize several key areas. Enhancing parking availability is a priority, recognizing that free and ample parking would alleviate financial strain and improve punctuality for students.
Innovation Ideas Better end of School party Affordable fun More of a turn out Better email MRU Social network Similar to Facebook but only for MRU students. May be easier to get a hold of group members while working on a project Keep in touch with people in classes with you Find out what Gen Eds are best Connect to other people at MRU with the same interests A way to absorb information when catching up on sleeping Listening to the material A zapper that keeps you awake when studying Can be availabe for all students Keeps you awake and focused while studying Free Office Softwares MRU Word processer MRU spreadsheets Help you figure out what courses you have completed and still need to. Help you calcuate your tuition for all of your education Open source softwares MRU Wikipedia 24h Study area Quiet reading area with lots of tables- available to all students Computer lab- available to all students Labtops for all students with all programs loaded on to it Only for students who need special programs More Parking More parking would give students a better chance of getting to class on time. Free parking- we are students who don't always have lots of money to throw around.