Kategóriák: Minden - relazione - formazione - tecnologia - etica




Un insegnante competente deve possedere molteplici capacità e competenze per affrontare le sfide della professione. Essenziale è la capacità di gestire la propria formazione continua e di aggiornarsi costantemente, anche attraverso l'


Gli insegnanti dovranno essere in grado di preparare gli studenti ad una socetà e ad un economia nella quale sarà loro richiesto di utilizzare un APPROCCIO AUTO-DIRETTO DELL'APPRENDIMENTO e di essere capaci e motivati per continuare ad ampliare le proprie conoscenze DURANTE TUTTO L'ARCO DELLA VITA.

COMPETENZA = Capacità che sia in grado di mobilitare diverse risorse cognitive per fronteggiare diversi tipi di situazioni.

Although this analysis is fairly simplistic, it may take some time to develop, because it needs good insight into the behavior of each industry or market in which you compete.

It is worth collaborating with your colleagues, who may each have specialist knowledge in one or two sectors. Inputs can then be combined to prioritize strategic actions.

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Salvaguardia della singolarità del soggetto.
Competenza deontologica.

Looking at the positive and negative forces in each market, type in a strategic action based on the importance and volume of the market, and the strength of negative forces.

Strategies may include:

Relazione socio-affettiva.
Competenza relazionale.

Looking at the answers above, how do you rate the bargaining power of suppliers of materials and services used in this market?

There are only a few suppliers and we are locked inWe have limited freedom for negotiation with our suppliersWe can control price negotiations with our suppliers
Padronanza metodologica.
Competenza didattica.
Padronanza culturale.
Competenza disciplinare.

Is your product or service attractive, when compared to the substitutes available to customers?

Rate your position:

Our product or service requires more customer commitment and appreciation than many of the substitutesOur product or service is roughly equal to most of the substitutesOur product or service is a more compelling option than most of the substitutes


Begin by typing in the name of your organisation.


Type in the name of an industry or sector in which your organisation competes.

This mind map will help you to analyse your position in that industry.

Costruzione e senso della professione
Gestire la propria formazione continua

Do customers make enough purchases to negotiate their pricing?

Rate their purchasing power by choosing an option below:

Customers make significant purchases and demand discountsSome discounts are expected, but we can control themPricing is not usually negotiable and customers accept our pricing
Affrontare i doveri e i dilemmi etici della professione

Is it easy for customers to switch between comparable products and services?

It is easy and inexpensive for a customer to switch from one vendor to anotherCustomers can switch if they are motivated toCustomers are generally locked into a product or service, and it is costly to switch
Servirsi delle nuove tecnologie

Are there multiple sources of comparable products and services?

Assess the customer's freedom of choice by choosing an option below:

There are many vendors with very similar products or servicesThere are only a few vendors of comparable products and servicesMost of the products and services have special features
Lavoro fuori dall'aula
Informare e coinvolgere i genitori

Looking at the answers above, how do you rate your position against substitutes?

Customers can easily adopt substitutes and our product or service is not compellingSubstitutes are available, but customers usually prefer our type of product or serviceThere are few viable substitutes and our type of product or service is valued by customers
Partecipare alla gestione della scuola

How essential is your product or service to customers? Are there many alternatives to buying from you?

Assess the range of alternatives:

Our product or service is optional, and/or it is easy for customers to find substitutesCustomers prefer to buy, but can find substitutes if motivatedOur product or service is essential, and/or there are very few acceptable substitutes
Lavorare in gruppo
Coinvolgere gli alunni nei loro apprendimenti
Ideare e fare evolvere dispositivi di differenziazione

Looking at the answers above, how do you rate the position of new entrants in the market?

It is both easy and attractive for new entrants to join this marketNew entrants could join if they perceive enough advantagesIt is both difficult and unattractive for new entrants to join
Gestire la progressione degli apprendimenti

Rate the probability by clicking an icon below:

Probable: it is a profitable market and demand keeps prices highPossible: it is a growing market and could be profitable in the futureUnlikely: profits are low, and the market is already saturated, or even shrinking
Organizzare ad animare situazione d'apprendimento

If a new organization wanted to join this industry, how big are the barriers to entry?

Assess the barriers by choosing an option below:

Few barriers, making it easy for others to walk inAnother organization could join with some dedicationSerious investment is needed to join this industry