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Ex. basalt and obsidian
Can see - Tiny holes/spaces, gas bubbles, glasslike surface
Formed from - Magma cooling and hardening
Ex. gneiss and marble
Can see - Ribbon like layers. May have shiny crystals
Formed from - heat and pressure underground
Ex. conglomerate and limestone
Can see - sand, pebbles, and stones. Contains fossils
Formed from - sand, shells, other fragments of material
Lots of Forest, Swampy
Low, Swampy, Forest, Rolling Landscape
Sand, Silt, and Clay Which Came at The End of The Ice Age and Formed Rock Which Created The Land
Flat Land, Rivers
Farming, 50% of Canada's Population Lives Here
Rolling Hills, Flat Plains, Deep River Valleys
erosion from Canadian shield bringing in sediments to the area. and glaciers carried sand, gravel, soil to the area
Human Activity
Farming, Transportation, Fishing, Boating, Hiking, Skiing
Flat, Rolling Hills, Wide River Valleys
Formed By
Rocks under Canadian shield getting damaged
Snowy, Icy, Extremely Cold
Remote (No Human Activity)
Mountainous Measuring 2500 M, Bumpy, Barren (No Trees/Vegetation) - Because its to Cold
North American Plate Moving Forward
Eroded (Slowly Damaged Rock or Land
Boating, Fishing, Farming
Rounded, Large Hills, Long Bays, Deep Harbors, Many Wide Valleys
Layers of Sedimentary Rock Uplifting and Folding After North American Plate Collided with European and North African Plate
Mining, Farming, Fishing, Camping
Rock Type
Rounded Hills of Rock
Magma and Molten Rock Rose to Surface as Volcano
Descriptive Words
Glaciers, Inlet (Narrow area of water)
Human Activities
Farming, Mining, Whale Watching, Tourism
Mostly Sedimentary
Coast Mountains, Interior Plateau, eastern mountains
Formed by
North American Plate Collision With Pacific Plate
Spread Outward From the Centre
Move Under Their Own Weight
Move a Few Centimetres Per Day
Move Down Valleys From High Elevations to Low Elevations Due to Gravity
Hasn't Ended Yet (2% of time, so far)
65 Million Yrs Ago
Mammals, fish, and Plants
4. Appalachians and Canadian Shield Rounded
Caused by erosion
3. glaciers scrap and gouge land
2. Rockies Formed by Folding, Faulting, Volcanos
1. Coast Mountains Uplifted
Lasted 180 Million Yrs (4% of time)
245 Million Yes Ago
Plants, dinosaurs, Birds, Small Sea Creatures
Appalachians eroded
2. Earth Folds Forming Rocky Mountains
Caused By Tectonic Forces
1. North American Plate Collided with Pacific Plate
Formed Coast Range Mountains
Cooled to Granite
Caused Magma to Raise to Top of North American Plate
Lasted 325 million Yrs (7% of time)
570 Million Yrs Ago
Shell's , Other Simple Things, More Advanced Things, Plants, Trees, Fish, Insects, Amphibians
Changes to Land
1. Collision of Pangaea Caused Eastern Part of North America to Crumble and fold to Create Appalachian Mountains
lasted 4 billion yrs (87% of time)
4.6 billion yes ago
Living Things
Fossils, Algae, Some More Complexed Organisms
Changes to Land
3. Contains Mostly Igneous and Metamorphic Rock. Some Sedimentary
2. New Land and Oceans
1. New Mountains Formed
4 Proofs
Evidence of Past Glaciers in Warm Places Today. Which Means Continents Used to be Closer to the Poles
Same Age & Structure of Mountains in Eastern Canada (Appalachians) & Western Europe (Caledonians)
Same Land Animals & Plants in South America & South Africa
Jigsaw Fit
Continents Fit Together Like Puzzle
Plates Slide Past Eachother
Plates are diverging and new ocean floor is generated
Plates converge and One Plate Dives Under the Leading Edge of its Neighbour
Many of Our buildings and structures would be destroyed if a large enough earthquake hit us.