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Leadership Strategies
Effective leadership in the nursing field requires a combination of advanced education, practical experience, and the ability to manage emotions. Pursuing postgraduate education in nursing or health management builds a strong foundation, while gaining experience as a registered nurse is crucial.
Leadership Strategies Business aspect Understand business aspect such as budgeting, staff allocation and rosteing Ethical leadership Fostering trust and accountability among healthcare professionals Integrating ethics to decision making process for best patient care Advanced education Pursue postgraduate education in nursing or health management Gain experience as Registered Nurse Networking Networking with senior management team through training or Participating in significant events such as research conference or senior training program. Transition support Training and involvement Emotional intelligence and resilience Resilience to manage stressful event Manage emotions and respond empathetically to their teams Building portfolio Continous professional development Aiming for career advancement Mentorship Subtopic Finding a mentor and discussing goals honestly