a Michaela Spadano 8 éve
Modern educational environments leverage a variety of physical and virtual tools to enhance the learning experience. Libraries have evolved into dynamic learning commons where librarians play a crucial role.
RESOURCES http://www.readingrockets.org/article/teaching-information-literacy-skills https://www.mindomo.com/mindmap/cfe4378035374e11975d9424d0289ac8 https://smithsystem.com/school-setting/libraries/?gclid=CjwKEAiArIDFBRCe_9DJi6Or0UcSJAAK1nFv8Ns1r_aseOuC1FQvNYZK_yvt6czbtT7nDRiQOMeTOxoCBHrw_wcB http://www.designinglibraries.org.uk/?PageID=89 LEARNING COMMONS LIBRARIAN encourages and models problemsolving demonstrates new apps to teachers and students monitors copyright introduces new resources guides learning uses current and meaningful experiences to demonstrate how inspires students to try new ways of getting resources teaches process of how to do modern research introduces topics books resources Shelves books VIRTUAL TOOLS lunch n learns internet cafes gaming apps podcasts blogs Web 2.0 apps databases PHYSICAL TOOLS community resources schoolboard resources speakers guests library commons space social learning areas librarians area multimedia area quiet individual space collaborative areas interchangeable space available technology audio visual centre LCD projectors books divided by theme smartboards mobile cart with tablets stationary computers Subtopic KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION quote appropriate resources produce an informative piece synthesize information evaluate source find resources plan research ask question