a Aseeah Ebrahim 6 éve
The landscape of learning theories and models is extensive, encompassing various paradigms such as cognitivism, behaviorism, connectivism, constructivism, and humanism. Each paradigm offers unique insights into how individuals learn and the best methods to facilitate this process.
LEARNING Methods and Strategies Digital technologies Multimedia virtual reality augmented reality e-learning of educational resources (OERs) blended learning gamification adaptive learning Reciprocal questioning Instructional conversations Expository teaching Guided Discovery Discovery learning Mastery learning Inquiry-Based Learning Direct instruction Analysis Design theories and models CO operative learning SWOT Analysis Tool Multimodality Learner-Centered Design Backward Design ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Adult learning Self directed learning Transformative learning Action learning Andragogy Learning paradigms Constructivism Situated Learning Social Development Theory Communities of practice Cognitive Dissonance Schema Theory Social Cognitive Learning Theory Connectivism 4th Industrial revolution 21st Learning theory Cognitivist Theory of Mind, Empathy, Mindblindness Stage Theory of Cognitive Development Situated Cognition Metacognition Information Processing Theory Gestalt Theory Functional Context Theory Expertise Theory Elaboration Theory Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning Cognitive Load Theory Attribution Theory Humanist Self-Determination Theory Positive Psychology / PERMA Theory Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Intrinsically Motivating Instruction Grit Flow Experiential Learning Emotional Intelligence ARCS Model of Motivational Design Behaviorist Social Learning Theory Psychological Behaviorism Operant Conditioning GOMS Model Classical Conditioning