a Gestão Integrada Ferrosos 4 éve
Még több ilyen
Excessive number of Initiatives to be implemented
Strategic management of HR projects
Strategic management of HR projects and initiatives with the HR portfolio management
- Design of general role for the HR Transformation; - Definition of the Classification Matrix to frame all HR projects; - Specific meetings with HR Manegers to better understand their project management and to validate the Classification Matrix and the model; - Development of some Tools (for classification and project management). - Creation of a monthly project meeting the the Exec. Managers + One HR Manager
- All projects inputted in the HR Planner and under the new governance – Jan 2021
- Releasing the HR Projects Insert Tool to the whole HR to input its projects – Dec 2020
- Workshops with focal points to explain the Governance and the tools – Dec 2020
- Workshops with all HR Managers to explain the Governance and the tools – Dec 2020
- Presentation of the new model to all HR at the One HR Lives – Dec 2020
- HR Projects Committee – Nov 2020
- HR transformation team evaluate and collect the current projects – From Oct to Nov 2020
Strategic groups design new projects – From Oct to Nov 2020
Lack of data to support VPS Leadership dimension requirements
Metrics Construction and Definition
VPS Leadership dashboard
- Infohub: VPS leadership tool under construction - VPS leadership dashboard prototype under construction - Business case with IT department to accelerate the deliveries
Process review and setup of sanitation work group - CROSS
Dashboard disclosure and launch – 3Q 21
Infohub testing – 3Q 21
Infohub data integration – 2Q 21
Dashboard prototype validation – 1Q 21
Strategic indicators workshop definition (aligned wit VPS Leadership) – 1Q 21
Setting priorities and schedule – 1Q 21
To approve budget for the initiative – 1Q 21
Alignment with IT department to prioritization – Dec 20
- Lack of integration between HR process - Inappropriate use of the position features - Difficulties to use the system and to keep data correctly updated - Lack of HR process views (end to end) - Lack of global position management
Position Management
Position Management and its process correlations / integrations
- One HR process review plan which includes position management - Some quick wins for the services process related to position - A big project using position attributes to define training and developing plan (MICT) - There is a cleaning and fix job functions project on going (Ernest Young) - H&S department are designing their process and considering integrations with HR based on position management
To deliver the project – from 2022
To define a phased implementation plan – 4Q 2021
To define the change management plan – from 3Q 2021
To design an end-to-end process considering the position subject 2Q and 3Q 2021
To do benchmark (process and systems) – 2Q 2021
To Create a project team – 1Q 2021
To Map the stakeholders – 1Q 2021
Reactive mode for all HR processes and supporting functions
Workforce Planning Implemetation
Being a strategic and pro-active HR to address employee lifecycle processes through a WFP implementation
Strategic Workforce under design together HR Structure definition.
Rollout the Implementation plan – Q4/21
Implementing a pilot – Q3/21
Defining process and tools – Q3/21
Defining roles and responsibilities – Q2/21
Defining Methodology – Q2/21
Defining concept – Q2/21
Identifying benchmarks– Q1/21
Assessing current condition – Q1/21
Creating the project team – Dec/20