project outline
Research and testing
Review Sitemap component
Review SEF Component
Review Calendar components
Cross Browser Testing
Text MAC
Test Firefox
Test IE
Test Opera
PHP Coding
Collapsible right Column
Template Switch
Companion Websites Menu - JUMP MENU??
Inspire to Learn Menu
Bottom Menu
Top Menu
Main Menu - Slideout Suckerfish - XT Menu Mod??
Styling for all custom modules
Menu Styling for all 4 menus
Module Styling
Standard Joomla Styles - Customize.css
XHTML for each layout
Inspire to Learn layout
Landing Page Layout
Home Page layout
Questions for Ivo
Format for the lookup
Is there a landing page layout for the inspire to learn section?
Where is the interactive catalogue linked to?
How does the multimedia box work
What is the MyLongman Advisor on the left for?
How is the companion websites link going to work?
Is it ok if the rep locator is a module in the left side rather than in the left menu?
Site Map
Podcast - We are not developing but keep in mind
Rep Locator
Internal search engine
Flash picture rotator
Needs to be researched for best options
Develop custom Modules
Interactive catalog
DK Image gallery - Link to wrapper for
Featured Podcast
Online store - As per home page layout, linking to content page....
Rep Locator Lookup
Get Database list in proper format
Install all modules mentioned below.
Whats happening box - Using Flex content
Search mod
XTD Menu Mod for main menu