Lucky Fitness
The comprehensive plan outlines various stages essential for the successful launch and operation of a fitness business. Key areas include thorough legal preparation, focusing on contracts and compliance with local laws, and establishing partnerships with sales partners.
Lucky Fitness Go to market Sales Kick-off Actions to partners training presentations & video tutorials
sales arguments & sales tips partnership concept sales & commercial introduction short & long product presentation Sales Kick-off Actions to customers 5 main module Lucky fitness short product presentation "WHAT is Lucky fitness" short product presentation "WHY Lucky fitness" MVP Release friend & family sales free trial model to use Execution SAAS Sales Website lead follow-up - cookies & forms & online chat capabilities development of content design & content concept development Owners / Sales & Marketing Teams / Operations Management Module service & complaints - by club & total network operational reports & dashboards total performance tracking & management reports & dashboards marketing - campaign management membership packages - products management SAAS Platform_Club Module reporting & dashboard constructor roles - rights & access levels transfer protocol for old member base transfer payment capabilities
set operating team - employees/trainers club set-up - add brand Preparation Web-site hard sale features & lead direction to local partners selection of development agency design & content concept CRM digital targeting & digital lead management plan for target markets selection of ready CRM system witn easy & fast implementation Legal preparation local sales partner agreements contracts for country and legal opinion Pricing price model agreement on final price level Product & Sales strategy key price positioning key support positioning key sales channel positioning key product positioning key sales positioning Start-up period organization compensation cost & model technical organization sales function management & support team organization chart Sales partners partnership model discussion intro partnership document for partner negotiations pipeline of potential partner list Sales channel development performance & operational management rules product & sales education recruitment local sales rep creation of Cold Call Team Initiation Trade mark checking GDPR certification public offers align to target countries Partner research potentail partner prioritization audit of potentail partner categories Market research audiences competitors target countries