a Marylin Gray 13 éve
The concept of a 'CSI Effect' suggests that popular TV crime dramas may influence courtroom proceedings, particularly jurors' perceptions and decisions. This effect supposedly began gaining attention with the OJ Simpson case and has continued to be a topic of discussion, especially since the year 2000.
Does a "CSI Effect" exist in the courtroom? Who is effected crime scene investigators judges jurys lawyers defendants Opinions of Nonbelievers not enough evidence to prove existence scapegoat for screwups Since 2000, a CSI Effect has appeared to be influencing juries to convict or not convict individuals based on what they've seen on television. should bring in something from Susan's experience should probaly avoid dates until sources for it is found background essay mention Casey Anthony case give examples of mess ups in OJ case use OJ in argument paper (not mentioned in background essay what the tv shows viewers how it effects a courtroom what was being doine Opinions of Believers double edged sword police can mess up but they can't always get evidence psychological effect jurys think they are experts because they watch tv people believe what they see on tv Sources of CSI Effect OJ Simpson case tech effect instead fictional procedures that people think exist doesn't exist investigative tv shows My opinion tv shows are the major contributor began with OJ Simpson case and continued from there