a Alex Speranza 6 éve
MAppa ingl
The use of countable and uncountable nouns in English is essential for proper grammar. Countable nouns, like 'books' and 'fruits,' can be counted and have singular and plural forms.
Countable and Uncountable Nouns a little/a few A few There are a few eggs A little There is a little cheese A lot of/much/many A lot of Frasi affermative (numerabili e non numerabili) There is a lot of cheese
Much Is there much cheese? Frasi negative e interrogative (non nemerabili) Many Are there many eggs? Frasi interrogative e negative (numerabili) Some/any Any Frasi negative e interrogative There aren't any eggs
Some Solo frasi affermative There are some eggs
Non numerabili non si possono contare Hanno solo il singolare Milk and Water
Numerabili Si possono contare Hanno sia il singolare che il plurale Books and Fruits