Kategóriák: Minden - competitors - suppliers - media - customers

a Жовновська Галина 6 éve


McDonald’s (Жовновська)

In the landscape of modern business, various stakeholders play crucial roles in shaping outcomes and driving success. Employees are the backbone, contributing to daily operations and long-term goals.

McDonald’s (Жовновська)

Working with stakeholders

Low power / low interest

Low power / low interest stakeholders are usually those indirectly involved, such as suppliers, subcontractors, or infrequent customers. However, if your project changes direction or scope, stakeholders previously in this group may become more involved, so their status could change.

Low power / low interest stakeholders

Low power / low interest stakeholders are usually those indirectly involved, such as suppliers, subcontractors, or infrequent customers. However, if your project changes direction or scope, stakeholders previously in this group may become more involved, so their status could change.

Add an action

What actions are needed to manage your Low power / low interest stakeholders?
Add an action and press Enter.

High interest / low power

High interest / low power stakeholders are often the end-users of a project or the customers of an organisation, who are interested in and affected by the outcomes, but are not able to take decisions and direct effort. However, it is mainly their needs and wishes that drive the project or business, so their involvement is essential.

High interest / low power stakeholders

High interest / low power stakeholders are often the end-users of a project or the customers of an organisation, who are interested in and affected by the outcomes, but are not able to take decisions and direct effort. However, it is mainly their needs and wishes that drive the project or business, so their involvement is essential.

Add an action

What actions are needed to manage your High interest / low power stakeholders?
Add an action and press Enter.

High power / low interest

High power / low interest stakeholders are often senior people who become interested in your organisation or project when things are not going well. They need to be kept informed, or at least informed of exceptions, but do not normally exert influence.

High power / low interest stakeholders

High power / low interest stakeholders are often senior people who become interested in your organisation or project when things are not going well. They need to be kept informed, or at least informed of exceptions, but do not normally exert influence.

Add an action

What actions are needed to manage your High power / low interest stakeholders?
Add an action and press Enter.

High power / high interest

High power / high interest stakeholders are those who can exert influence, have a specific interest in the project or organisation, and will be instrumental in achieving outcomes. This can be both positive or negative; for example, you may have a senior figure who is very opposed to a particular course of action. These stakeholders need to be managed actively by being informed and consulted at all stages.

High power / high interest stakeholders

High power / high interest stakeholders are those who can exert influence, have a specific interest in the project or organisation, and will be instrumental in achieving outcomes. This can be both positive or negative; for example, you may have a senior figure who is very opposed to a particular course of action. These stakeholders need to be managed actively by being informed and consulted at all stages.


Add an action

What actions are needed to manage your High power / high interest stakeholders?
Add an action and press Enter.


Welcome, Guest

Most projects or organisations involve a range of stakeholders with different agendas.
This Smart Map helps you to identify your stakeholders. You can also assess their importance, based on the influence they have and their level of interest. This helps to make plans for involving stakeholders at the right levels, to make sure that things run smoothly.


Enter your project or organisation

Type in the name of your organisation or project and press enter.
This is the focal point around which you will be identifying stakeholders.



Add a creditor

Does your organisation owe rights or money to others? This would make them stakeholders in the decisions that you make. Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to McDonald’s by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


ПрАТ"Козятинський м'ясокомбінат(Вінницька обл) з 2003р.постачання яловичини для бургерів
Nestle: безкоштовна вафля до кави
Фарм Фрайз (Польща):картопля фрі
пекарня "Іст Болт Україна"(Дніпропетровськ) булочки для бургерів з 2001р
Fino Verde: готові салатні суміші
ПАТ "Чумак"

Add a supplier

Does your organisation or project have suppliers? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to McDonald’s by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.



Add a manager

Does your organisation or project have partners? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to McDonald’s by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


1.8 млн

Add a manager

Which employees or employee groups are important in this context? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to McDonald’s by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.



Add a manager

Who are the key managers in your organisation or project? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to McDonald’s by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


Гжегож Хмелярський
Рей Крок
Моріс та Річард Макдональди

Add an owner

If you are analysing stakeholders for an organisation, who are the owners? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to McDonald’s by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


Any other stakeholders?

Are there any other stakeholders affected by McDonald’s?

Rate the importance of this stakeholder by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.



Add a community sector or group

Which parts of society or the community are affected by McDonald’s? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


Реклама на телебаченні:" 1+1", "СТБ", "2+2", "МЕГА", "К1","К2","ТЕТ"
Радіостанції: "РадіоЛюкс", "XITFM", "Авто Радіо"
Соціальні мережі: "Twitter", "Instagram", "Facebook"

Add a media stakeholder

Does the media have an interest in McDonald’s? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.



Add a competitor

Who are the key competitors? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to McDonald’s by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


Податковий кодекс
Закон України "Про місцеве самоврядування"
Закон України "Про охорону прав на знкаки для товарів і послуг"
Закон України "Про безпечність та якість харчових продуктів"

Add a regulator

Who has an interest in your organisation or project in relation to legislation or regulation? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to McDonald’s by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


Кожного дня заклади McDonald's в Україні обслуговують близько 350 тисяч відвідувачів
У 2016 році 85 млн осіб відвідали McDonald's

Add a customer

Who are the key customers or customer groups? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to McDonald’s by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.