medieval music. sara
Medieval music, spanning from the 5th to the 15th century, was deeply intertwined with religious practices, prominently featuring in both Islamic and Christian traditions. Notation evolved significantly during this period, with the development of the four-line staff and square notation, and the introduction of the musical scale by Guido d'
medieval music. sara NOTATION -Scale -- guido D´Arezzo -- Name of the notes -Staff -- 4 lines (telegramm) -Square notation SECULAR MUSIC -National language 11th century- 13th century -Troubadors: Adam de la Halle -Composers: Guillame de Machaut and Francesco Landini INSTRUMENTS -Outdoor-- the hurdy gurdy -Indoor -- recorder -Percussion: drum, triangle -Wind: flute, pipe -Stringed: harp, vid TEXTURE Pholiphonic -- 11th century (-Ars Nova:1300-1450) -Ars Antiqua. 1100-1300) Monophonic -- unision without instrumen DANCE Sources paintings and literary works Instruments jingles, bells, drums, tabors, tambourines Country Dance -Line dances -Estample
-The Momis Dance
Court Dance -Circle dancing -Carol dancing
-Egg Dance
CONCLUSIONS -More secular music had day jobs -Musics -- poors -Composers (anonymous) -- more religious INTRODUCTION SOCIETY (feudalism) 4. Vasds /peanants 3. Craftsmans and shopkeepers 2. Lords and religious people 1. King CHRONOLOGY 5th century - 15th century RELIGION christianisim islam RELIGIOUS MUSIC -First -- Cathedral de Notre Dame (Paris) -Only men -Latin/Poliphony -Composers -- Leonin/Perotin -Gregorian chant