Inicio scrum
Type in the name of the book you have read.
Fase: Implementación
In contrast to the main idea, the theme is the message, lesson or moral of the book.
Some tips to find out the theme of the book easier:
- Try to find it while you are reading. It may be stated or implied.
- Think about how the characters reacted to obstacles.
- Think about the important decisions that the characters made.
- Think about the characters growing or changing throughout the book.
10. Mantenimiento de la lista priorizada
9. Llevar a cabo el stadup diario
8. Crear entregables
Fase: Planificación y Estimación
7. Elaboración de la lista de pendientes
6. Estimar y asignar tareas
5. Elaboración de la lista de usuarios
Take notes while you read the book. Write here your favorite quotes from the book.
Fase: Inicial
Take notes while you read the book. Type here the resources, books, or websites that the author mentioned and you want to check out later.
4. plan de implementación
3. creación de la lista de prioridades
2. identificar personal para el proyecto
1. Inicio del problema del proyecto
Fase: Revision y Retrospectiva
What is the reason why the author wrote the book?
13. Retrospectiva de Sprint
12. Demostración de validación del Sprint
11. Convocar Scrum de Scrums
Fase: Lanzamiento
Who is the author of the book? Type in his/her name.
15. Retrospectiva del proyecto
14. Envio de entregables