a Team247 SASCMP 12 éve
The document outlines several tasks related to backing up files and setting up server infrastructure. It lists various network locations and IP addresses that need to be backed up or configured.
Nova File to backup1. APC Files to backup1. 2. 3.4.5. CEWYALL Files to backup1. c:\$PG- Action Items:1. Standardize equipment names2. Collect/tabulate IP Addresses and roles of each EQ3. Setup \\cmpNovaServer as File Storage Server4. Setup \\cmpBlade01 as FrontEnd UI for all the DPS items CAOYALL Files to Backup1. c:\Endpoint2. c:\CMP Endpoint Syste,3. c:\ilya 4. c:\LCMP (- logfiles)5. c:\Program Files\Applied Materials\FICGUI6. c:\FIC_UI Objetives:1. To provide a data backup for critical operatin files-LK, Ebara, Nova, APC.2. To provide a central location to monitor the heath of computer system for LK, Ebara, Nova, APC3. To provide a central location to view eq log files and use that information to prevent/predict failures. CMP Data Protection Strategy RCS Room Computers \\Entron9 Windows Server 2003x32 IP- \\cmpblade04 IP- \\cmpblade03 IP- \\cmpblade02 Spare IP- \\cmpblade01 PerfMon Server Monitor VWDeveloper 2008-Forntend UI WinXPx64 IP- \\cmpNovaServer SQL2003Server Express 3. Install SQL 2008 Express 2. Install Window Installer 4.5 1. Install .netFramework 3.5 SP1 File Backup Server Windows Server 2003x64 IP- \\mycmp247 SyncToy Task Scheduler 3. Create folder sync 2. Identify which folders to backup 1. Install SyncToy Visual Web Developer 2008 2. Create site fo CMP Data Center 1. Install VWDev 2008 WinXPx32 IP-105.195.31.xx SASNetwork \\cewy05Nova- \\cewy05- \\cewy05-APC \\cewy05-ISRM02 \\cewy05-ISRM01 \\cewy04Nova- \\cewy04- \\cewy04-APC \\cewy04-ISRM02 \\cewy04-ISRM01 \\cewy03Nova- \\cewy03- \\cewy03-APC \\cewy03-ISRM02 \\cewy03-ISRM01 \\cewy02Nova- \\cewy02- \\cewy02-APC \\cewy02-ISRM02 \\cewy02-ISRM01 \\cewy01Nova- \\cewy01- \\cewy01-APC \\cewy01-ISRM02 \\cewy01-ISRM01 \\caoy12Nova- \\caoy12- \\caoy12-APC \\caoy11Nova- \\caoy11- \\caoy11-APC \\caoy10Nova- \\caoy10- \\caoy10-APC \\caoy09Nova- \\caoy09- \\caoy09-APC \\caoy08Nova- \\caoy08- \\caoy08-APC \\caoy07Nova- \\caoy07- \\caoy07-APC \\caoy06Nova- \\caoy06- \\caoy06-APC \\caoy05Nova- \\caoy05- \\caoy05-APC \\caoy04Nova- \\caoy04- \\caoy04-APC \\caoy03Nova- \\caoy03- \\caoy03-APC \\caoy02Nova- \\caoy02- \\caoy02-APC \\caoy01Nova- \\caoy01- \\caoy01-APC