Graphic Organizers for the 21st Century Learners
Philosophy & Goals
Family Involvement
Welcome Letter
Guest Speakers
Catoctin Summit Rehab
Updated Website
Email distribution lists
1 take home assignment per unit
Family Life
Relationship Interview
Family Reveiw
Food Label Investigation
Mental Health
Stress Umbrella
Health & Wellness
Child/Parent Quesitonnaire
Increase Good Decision Making Skills
Developing healthy Lifestyles
Increase confidence
Strong leaders
Prevention of Disease
Heart Disease
Life application
Projects that are worthwhile and intrinsic
Change for the positive
Application towards lifestyle
Technology & Resources
Powerpoint 2010
Wellness Collage
Nutrition Review
Students create presentations
Drug Counselor Project
Sexual Relationship Decision making GO
Self Concept Lesson
Grades 9-12
21st Century Skills
Creativity through new ideas
Problem solving
collaboration & communication
Curriculum Standards
NETS S Technology Standards
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving,
and Decision Making
2. Communication and Collaboration
1. Creativity and Innovation
MD State Health Curriculum
1. Analyze the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight.
1. Analyze factors that influence an individual’s decisions concerning sexual behavior.
1. Identify factors that influence the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
1. Apply the decision-making process to personal issues and problems
1. Recognize and apply effective communication skills.
FCPS High School Health Curriculum
HE.900.40.06 Evaluate the influence of communication and decision-making on sexual behavior.
HE 900.20.03 Identify and examine physical, psychological, social, and legal consequences of the use of
tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
HE 900.10.03 Evaluate personal health
HE 900.10.01 Develop and use decision-making skills.