a Megan Shimandle 16 éve
Modeling Knowledge in Elementary Schools
In elementary education, the use of dynamic tools for modeling knowledge is often seen as overly complex and not suitable for young students. While tools like Stella and VenSim could potentially be utilized, the general consensus is that they do not foster meaningful learning due to the difficulty students face in understanding them.
Modeling Knowledge in Elementary Schools Databases using databases such as the story database will create meaningful learning, but they will not always if not used corretly when students share a part of their lives, they are engaging in meaningful learning get ideas for myself from the Knowledge Innovation for Technology in Education on how to use technology in the classroom when students learn from one another, they have some type of meaningful learning have students submit stories about their culture or hertiage to share have students submit their own stories to share with other students all around the globe have students review stories' information such as goals, reults, lessons, etc. and share what they have learned stories database is a wonderful idea for students to share their stories Drawbacks: may not be a reliable source of information Benefits: compare/contrast ideas, share stories, learning from other students Expert Systems Some meaningful learning, but not the best activity for elementary students. They are not showing the full extent of their knowledge Students, when searching for the right answer, have a deeper level of thinking To have my students think more deeply about a topic they are already learning about As a teaching tool to build relationships between what my students know and what they are going to learn Drawbacks: if student gives incorrect information, they will recieve faulty answer Benefits: students learn rules and information, have to think about the information they know Spreadsheets If used CORRECTLY, can definitely create meaningful learning Use the technology in a way that is authenic to them Students can explore numbers in a different way with technology Students could input new mathematic rules they learn and see the relationships with a variety of numbers A lot of teacher input would be required, but I think students could do it Authentic Assement would be great to use with spreadsheets Drawbacks: relationships may be hard to identify, set-up is hard, mathematics is more advanced Benefits: works with numbers, easy calculations, can include graphs and charts Systems with Dynamic Tools Does It Create Meaningful Learning? Should not be used in the elementary classroom for the most part. No: If students don't understand what they are doing, how can the learning be meaningful? Would I Use It? Model-It may be appropriate, but website has no information? Generally, too difficult for elementary students Examples Stella, VenSim, OiwerSim, and Model-It Concept Maps Meaningful Learning? Makes students have a higher though process Can show relationships between many topics Students can show their understanding How Would I Use It? Map out a series of related ideas Brainstorm an idea Outline a story Benefits/Drawbacks Drawbacks: Can't be too detailed Benefits: Easy to understand, visual, can be simple or complex