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This source lists many positive things about listening to music while studying which I can use as positives
According to a 2007 study, music — classical music, specifically — can help your brain absorb and interpret new information more easily.
Research from 2019 suggests music can activate the same reward centers in your brain as other things you enjoy.
It can also help reduce stress and promote a more positive mindset.
So when you’re doing two things at the same time, like studying and listening to music, and one of the things requires cognitive effort, there will be a cost to how much information you can retain doing both activities
This source lists reasons why listening to music while studying can be good or can be bad. So that gives me options to state the positive and negative part about it.
So if you want to listen to music while you study, try to listen to something that does not have words, or if it does have words, hopefully, it’ll be in a language that you don’t understand at all, otherwise that’s going to distract from the stuff you’re trying to study.
“If you have music going on in the background when you study, it’s going to be easier to recall that information if you also have music on in the background when you take the exam
The most common reason for listening was enjoyment, a positive mood state, with more participants reporting listening to music for enjoyment while performing simple tasks than while performing complex tasks.
The associations between individual differences in biological sex, musical training, age, and music listening habits were also explored in this study using multidimensional chi-square tests for biological sex and musical training and multinomial logistic regression analyses for age with Bonferroni correction.
The most common reason for listening to music during studying was focusing on the task
This source is another study done showing numbers I can include when I am talking about the results of listening to music
I will use this source to provide information on the studies of listening to music while studying and if it works or not
A number of studies suggest a positive effect of BGM on attention and concentration, e.g., when listening to BGM during tasks measuring selective attention
Again, the variability in type of music and task, as well as individual differences seems to create a complex pattern of results.
Furthermore, although findings are not consistent, evidence suggests that the age of participants might play a role in the effect of BGM on memory.
This is another source that lists both positives and negatives of music while studying. I can use their examples to give reasons for each
While music can promote focus, it can also have the opposite effect, particularly when it contains lyrics.
It acts as a gentle, steady undercurrent, tuning out external disturbances
Not only does music provide a pleasant background for studying, but it also enhances endurance, keeping students engaged for extended periods.
Thsi is another source showing results of tests done. I will be able to use reasons why and why not listening to music helps
Music listening is increasingly recognised as a potentially effective method of stress, mood, and emotion regulation
Music did not reduce anxiety compared to an active control in Study 2. However, music listening significantly increased levels of state mindfulness, which predicted lower anxiety after self selected music listening.
Study 1 indicated that participants who listened to music (self-selected and researcher-selected) reported significantly greater anxiety reduction than participants in the silent control condition.
This source shows results from tests done on listening to music while doing work. It shows both a positive and negative impact on it for different tasks which I will talk about
When doing memorization tasks, it may be best to play music they have never listened to before because the novelty of the song puts the mind in a more receptive state.
According to the results, it was suggested that playing slow music or music at a low pitch when doing calculation tasks might be good because the participants were able to finish the calculation task faster under the conditions in the low pitch song and also the slow music conditions than those under counterpart conditions.
if the noise in someone’s environment is annoying and requires them to listen to some music, it seems that the ideal type of music people might want to listen to depends on what they study.
I will use this source to show reasons why music is beneficial to listen to while studying and the impact that it can have.
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