a Yeimy216 Jimenez 3 éve
Growing up in Florencia-Caqueta, life was filled with a series of memorable experiences from childhood through adolescence. Daily routines included chores like sweeping, cooking, and organizing, which provided a sense of structure.
MY LIFW BEFORE NOW WORST REMEBARCE My worst memory is in my grandmother's house, when she got sick WORST ANNECTOD IN SCHOOL I have no bad memories, but infinite experiences FIRST PARTY My first party was when I was 14 years old at a friend's house, and it was very good.
(I remember that the police arrived at my friend's house) FIRST LOVE My first adolescent love was when I was 15 years old, and I have good memories HOBBIES My hobbies are reading, listening to music, dancing and going out with friends CHORES AT HOME My chores at home are the same every day, it is sweeping, cooking and organizing my room PARENTS I live with my mom, my dad and my brothers and we have good communication and behavior LIVE I live in Florencia-Caqueta in the Ciudadela-Timmy neighborhood ADOLESCENT WORST REMEMBRANCE My worst memory as a child is the two accidents I had
the first on a motorcycle and the second playing at school BEST REMEMBRANCE My first memories as a child are in school dances and an honor recognition for my painting on the day of the water PRIMARY SCHOOL my first elementary school is called Altos de copoazu and my first teacher was Edna GAMES I played hide and seek, and la lleva FRIENDS
MEETING My friends were my cousins and children from my neighborhood (Manuela, Dainer, among others) TRADITIONS Our tradition is to go to my grandmother's house on special dates NEIGBORHO I lived in the Nueva Colombia and Malvinas neighborhoods WHERE WAS YOU BORN I was born in Florencia-Caqueta CHILDHOOD