Kategóriák: Minden - initiative - promotion

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Napoleon: The siege of Toloun

After completing his artillery training, Napoleon sought to be transferred to Toulon following the death of the commander there. Although his military strategies were competent rather than innovative, they were effective against the British forces.

Napoleon: The siege of Toloun

Napoleon: The siege of Toloun

What were the effects and onsequences of his involvement there?

The French won back Toloun from the hands of the British and the counter revoloutionaries.
He was promoted by Carnot as one of a number of young generals in the.

Did he show any flaws or weaknesses?

At Toloun Napoleon showed that he would do anything to succeed which often got him into a bit of trouble with some politicians.

Did he show any military genius?

While he did not himself show any paticular genius he was made to look like one because of the incompotence
While his plans were sound they were not anything groundbreaking at the time and any compotent commander would have done the same.
He did show some military initiative while in Toloun and got frustrated with stupid generals.

What did he do?

He then established battteries on the headland and fired upon the british ships forcing them to leave and take most of there troops.
Napoleon lead the charge on the fort Mulgrave whih then became a battery for his guns to fire on the harbour, forcing the british to leave.

How did he get there?

After finishing artillery training at auxone, he beged citizen Barras to be transferred to Toloun after he heard that the comander had dies while in charge there.